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Crisis. Big crisis. Serious. Crisis. Big serious crisis. You can't imagine how fucked up I was. Very deeply and submerged.

Very big and serious problem. You can't imagine how fucked up I was. Very deeply and submerged.

I usually like the forest when I know that a wolf pack is not running for my ass wanting to devour me alive. I like the forest, when I'm in a more climate-friendly outfit. I already consider myself lucky to have an outfit that would not make me ashamed or was worthy of the beginning of fanfiction. Fortunately for me I was not in pajamas and even less in a dress.

The groans and the barking behind me really did not inspire me to stay, encouraging me to run again and again despite the fact that my legs were screaming for a rest. My lungs were aching and there was a constant reminder on my side that reminded me that running for that long was not good, at all. Which did not help the situation one bit.

On the bright side, it was not nightfall yet. Which meant I wouldn't have any bad surprises, but I still had no idea where I was, where I was going nor how the fuck, I ended up in a forest?!

Earlier I was in a coffee shop in Toulouse, France, waiting for my hot chocolate by the counter, while my friends were watching over my coat and schoolbag. There was nothing to indicate that I was going to be teleported from one place to another, without any notice!! Another thing, since when was teleportation a thing? It's still science fiction to me, even in 2020!

As I continue to run, glancing from time to time at the pack that was still chasing me. Suddenly my foot sank into something with a horrible damp noise, just like the smell it gave off. I had the misfortune to take a look at the thing and I had never regretted so much in my life. A corpse, a damn corpse, a damn corpse which by the horrendous smell it gave off, had started decomposing a while ago.

I threw up, I'm not ashamed to say it, I threw up, on the dead body too. I had never seen a corpse. Well actually I did, but not in such state and even less in this situation. The wolves were closing in, and I had yet to remove my foot from the open rib cage of the corpse. I closed my eyes and held my breath then removed my foot from the body with the same sound as earlier. Unfortunately, the wolves had caught up. There were about ten of them, one of which looked a little bigger and had a darker brown coat. They surrounded me, growling, licking their lips, ready to jump me any seconds from now.

I had little to no hope of surviving until the shining reflection of some metal crossed my sight. I crouched down slowly, without making any sudden move, plunging my hand into the litter of the forest soiled by the blood and organs of the corpse. I felt something and grabbed it, pulling it out as I stood up, now standing with a sword in hand.

A question crossed my mind, who in this time, apart from coplayers and collectors, has a sword on them and a sharp one at first sight.

him apparently, I sniffed.

Luck was on my side, kind of... At least I had something to defend myself. Although my notions of fencing were close to none, I had a few. But let's be honest Game of Thrones and the Lords of the Rings are not reliable sources of knowledge in this situation because it was real life, not a video game nor a movie. But my close combat skills are useless at the moment, I do not see myself beating to death all those wolves around me with my bare fist.

I started by grabbing the handle firmly with both hands, handling it with only one hand required skills and strength that I did not possess, I'm not Kirito or Asuna from SAO, even less Jon Snow. Then I took a stance more suitable for a fight, may it be attack or defense. I lifted the blade slightly and observed the wolves.

One of them started the fight and decided to attack me but I was ready to fight. I didn't realize what had happen but after what felt like an eternity, all the wolves were dead. The bigger one gave me a run for my money, I struggled a bit to take it out but when the beast let out its last breath, I collapsed on the ground, blade at my side, arms and legs trembling from the rush of adrenaline. I glanced at the massacre around me with a quick breath that slowly slowed down as the cold bit my cheeks. The humidity of the soil seeped viciously into my pants and it was with regret that I got up and started moving again. It was cold and wearing wet clothes in this weather was not a good idea.

When the White Wolf meet the Red Foxحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن