Chapter 10: Reveal

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Today they announced the final rankings. We were finally graduating.

Alec, he boy with the tattoos, had won first place. Jax was second and I was third. A ginger boy named Jim was fourth and Kayla was fifth.

"Looks like I won," Jax smirked from his place beside me as the announcers congratulated the group.

"Mmm, looks like I owe you a date," I smiled remembering our deal.

"Recruitment group, assemble," said Rachel one of the instructors. Looks like we were to get started right away. Good. "Your first mission is after lunch, get ready."

Jax slipped away from me. I followed him to find him in a deep conversation with a pretty dark skinned girl with long curly hair.

I felt a tinge of jealousy, but they seem to be a in a deep conversation. Nothing about their body language seemed flirty, instead it seemed really bad. I tried reading their faces. It's something worrisome, but serious. Jax had put on his 'I got this look'. Something was going down tonight.

Will, our instructor, was passing around gear, "What ever happens tonight you stay within a tight radius of each other. If under the circumstances you do separate, do not venture alone, return back to the base undetected. If you are captured, you sacrifice yourself. Take your life. It's one for hundreds. That's what makes us soldiers. Being able to give up ourselves for the greater good. Bring subjects back to the rendezvous for interrogation for potential enemy or recruits. Are we clear?"

We all nodded. We all split, each taking a certain vantage point but staying within range of each other. I kept an eye on Jax, he seemed to know where he was going being strange since we lived underground for the last few months. He slowly started to drift from the group. No one seemed to notice. I started to follow him hoping he wouldn't see me. Suddenly, he disappeared. As if he vanished into thin air. I ran up to the last place I saw him stand. Suddenly, five people jumped me. I put up a good fight and took down two, but they were very well trained. A cover went over my head. Ropes were around my wrists tightly. After pushing and dragging me, I heard a door open and was thrown into a room.

"Boss we caught this one following Ryder. We thought you'd be more careful, not so A team now are you?" said one of my capturers.

"Yeah she's a fighter too, broke Waighlands nose," said the other.

"Oh god," said a familiar voice. Jax.

"Tess?" said another familiar deep voice. What... it couldn't be.

Then the blindfold came off.

I looked at Jax, his face pale, and beside him was my father. I lost all the strength I had left and sort of slumped on the floor. Jax jumped down to catch me.

"What's going on," I managed to whisper.

"It shouldn't be like this," said my father, looking panicked.

"You get some water," Jax ordered the man behind me.

Jax tried to feed me some water when the soldier gave him the cup, but I pushed it away.

"You! Stay away from me!" I yelled at Jax. "You are just a filthy liar toying with me like that."

He was working for my father? This whole time! I felt like such an idiot!

"Tess let me explain," he started, but I didn't let him continue.

"No I don't want to hear it!" I turned to my father now. "And you leaving us to die. Mom and Adam are dead. You did this to us! No one was there to protect us, you left us to die," I yelled at my father.

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