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Yuto pov

I was bored. Just very bored. I decided to go on a walk to a nearby park. I sat on a bench and played on my phone. I picked up my head to find myself admiring street performers from afar. They were all very talented.

I found myself interested in a single performer. He was dancing. It was good dancing. I enjoyed watching him. He was a pretty man, and he had a beautiful smile. Suddenly, he grabbed my wrist and said, " Why don't you dance with me? "

" Oh- I-I'm sorry I don't dance... " I told him. 

" Well if you don't want to dance with me then take me for coffee. " He smirked.

I didn't think he was serious until his performance was over and he went to sit down with me.

" So, when are you going to take me? " He asked.

" Okay, fine, but only if you tell me about yourself "

The boy and I walked over to a nearby coffee shop, it was slightly awkward for it was silence, but once we entered, the boy was very talkative.

" Soo, my name is Kang Hyunggu. What's yours?

" Yuto. "

Our conversation went on and on and it turns out, I really like this boy. He is sweet, funny, and just an overall enjoyable person. I want to hang out with him more, though he beat me to the question, 

" When can we hang out again? "

wowwww queen of short chapter haha this sucked may delete later

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