"Oh... Changbin-Hyung..." Hyunjin said after composing himself, getting awkward already, but Changbin was not going to let the situation get awkward.

"Can we talk?" Changbin asked and Hyunjin nodded, nervous.

Once they were far from the others, who were currently watching whatever was on TV, Changbin spoke. "I want to apologise... for the way I lashed out at you and treated you." He said, rubbing the back of his neck as he walked by Hyunjin's side. "I shouldn't have treated you like that, I was just frustrated at what you were saying because I didn't know the reason as to why I was like that... I didn't mean to ruin our friendship like that."

Hyunjin didn't speak. He was not angry, and he accepted the apology, but this was just so sudden he didn't know what to say.

"Could you please say something? This is getting awkward and I don't want it to... not like before..."

"Sorry, this is just too sudden..."

"Oh... sorry... I just wanted us to stop avoiding each other. It's childish, but I know that it was my fault in the first place." Changbin said embarrassedly. "I also wanted to thank you... It was thanks to you noticing and bringing it up to me that I was able to accept it. I was just too scared to accept it back then. No words will ever express how sorry I am and I would do anything to make it up to you... I just want our friendship to be like it used to."

"It won't," Hyunjin said, stretching his arms and letting his upper body fall on the trampoline (they had walked around until they settled on the trampoline and talked there).

Changbin was shocked... to say the least, and just as he was about to say something, Hyunjin continued. "There came a point where I didn't know myself either, and I thought I was wandering alone, with no one to understand me or know what I was going through. When I saw you like that I saw myself reflected in you and I didn't want you to go through the same thing I was going through alone, so I reached out to you but it didn't turn out well."

Changbin sighed and he too, let his upper body flop on to the trampoline. "I... I'm sorry..." The only thing Changbin felt he had to do was apologise for his actions and mistakes, but Hyunjin didn't want an apology, not anymore. "What do you mean it won't though?"

"Because we aren't alone in your problems anymore. You opened up to me about it and now we can get through this together. It won't be all fun and games anymore, life just isn't like that anymore... but if you ever need someone, I'll be by your side." Hyunjin said smiling, and then turned his head to face Changbin.

"Aww, look at my baby being all grown up and mature~" Changbin teased and pinched Hyunjin's cheek. Well, at least playful, aegyo Bin was back.

"Ah, seriously, what's wrong with you?" Hyunjin complained and swatted away Changbin's hand.

"No, but really, I would do anything for you, even if it meant being dark just so you can shine brighter." Changbin said, looking at the lone moon in the sky.

"Aish, what are you saying? Now you're just speaking nonsense!" Hyunjin teased back and both broke into laughter and kept playing like that for the rest of the evening, any trace of previous awkwardness completely gone.

Minho enjoyed the company of the others. Sometimes he would still hear the voices in his dreams, but Jeongin would be there to help him calm down, and as more members were aware of it, they all helped him get over it. Now, what he would hear were his friends' voices, saying positive things, rather than the negative, hurtful words his classmates used to say.

Jeongin got through his problems as well. The others opened up to him and he opened up to them. He no longer felt like an outsider and he no longer felt bitter.

I am... | SKZ [ Book 2 ]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin