fifteen; visiting

Start from the beginning

"The nursery is this way," I put a hand on Rainy's back as I passed her, heat instantly rushing through my palm. I awkwardly wiped the little amount of sweat that had already gathered on Ernie's romper and held him tighter. It was funny; I can kiss her, but yet my palms still get sweaty from a slight touch.

Rainy followed behind me, a constant smile gracing her lips. I bit back a smile of my own when I looked back at her blowing raspberries into Doris's neck. The baby let out a loud laugh, and Rainy ducked her head to do it again.

The nursery was decorated in to look like the wilderness; the walls were painted a light yellow with brown accents. The two cribs were facing opposite each other, each one against a far wall. They were identical except the mobiles. Stuffed lions and rhinos dangled over Ernie's crib while over Doris's, elephants and giraffes spun slowly.

I laid Ernie gently in his crib, making sure to put him on his back. Rainy did the same thing with Doris and gave her cheek a gentle squeeze before joining me at the door. Turning the light off, I cracked the door and walked away lightly.

When we were safely in the kitchen, I made myself a glass of water and offered Rainy anything, but she politely declined. Leaning against the counter, I reached over to put my empty glass in the sink, then turned back to her. "I have a gift for you, you know."

Her eyes widened, and she shook her head rapidly, while signing "no" over and over again.

"Sorry, sunshine, it's already bought. Therefore, you can't do anything about it," I grinned and folded my arms across my chest. She let her head fall into her hands and pouted at me. "Oh, don't give me that look. It's a gift, for Christ's sake, you have to be happy about it."

"And besides-" I walked to stool she sat on, my strides long and steps slow. When I reached her, she had already spun around to face me, her teeth worrying her bottom lip.

I wanted to move her legs apart just so I could fit between them, but I wasn't that bold, so I just settled for placing my hands gently on her knees. Rainy's eyes were wide and flicking down to my lips, her cheeks flushed. I imagined my expression to be quite similar.

I whispered, "-I will not allow you to be pouty while opening my gift. It is prohibited." I leaned farther in, my voice getting softer the closer I was to her face. "Is that understood, Lorraine?"

She nodded her head and licked at her lips, making me nearly lose my mind. My breathing had gotten heavier and my heart was pumping ridiculously fast.

"But," I paused for effect, "you have to open it right now." I jumped away from her and dashed up the stairs to get the gift. I heard her slam her palm onto the kitchen counter, and I laughed loudly, covering my mouth.

Once I was inside my room, I took a minute to regain my breathing and slow my heart down. I continued to take deep breaths while I retrieved the small box from inside my nightstand's drawer. I smiled widely and walked confidently out of the room, but made sure to tip-toe passed the nursery.

When I returned to the kitchen, Rainy gave me a pointed look, her elbow propped onto the counter and holding her head in a tilted position. 

I grinned widely and slid the box over to her. She reluctantly picked it up, her eyes still on me, and started to unwrap the paper that I had messily taped around it. She lifted the lid agonizingly slow while I bit down on my lip harshly.

Her eyebrows lifted and her lips quirked into a smile. She slowly took the ring out of the box and tilted it around in her hand. It was a gold band that got wider when it met the flattened circle on top. Engraved was a simple outline of a sun with intricate lines swirling around it.

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