Chapter One

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Izuku 3rd Person POV

He couldn't sleep. He was way too excited for sleep. I mean, who in his place wouldn't? Tomorrow he started going to a very high esteemed school, UA, aka the school of his dreams. "Izuku? Honey?" a small voice came from behind his door, followed by a short, chubby lady with green hair. "Are you awake?" she said softly, the boy nodded in response and sat up, it was almost as if his eyes were stars right now. He was ecstatic. "Yeah, I'm too excited to sleep!" he said triumphantly with a goofy grin. She chuckled and shook her head, "Okay, well make sure you get enough sleep, okay honey?" he nodded and retreated back into his All Might blankets with a content smile, " 'Kay ,Mom!" He rolled over, completing his cocoon and pulled his phone out from under his pillow and started playing random games he had installed until he finally fell asleep.

~The next morning~

When his alarm, which was something he made and programmed to be completely All Might centered, rang, he was awake immediately. He flung the blankets off and hopped out of bed, happily scuttling to the bathroom. He reached out to the shower knob before he remembered he'd already showered the night before. He combed through his fluffy green mop and brushed his teeth gleefully, making sure there were no knots in his hair and not a speck of food in his teeth. Once he was positive he hopped down the stairs to the kitchen, greeted by his mom. "I made eggs, french toast, and bacon, eat as much as you want!" she grinned, immensely proud of her son. Izuku nodded, sitting down on his knees at the small table, "Thank you for the meal Mom!" he clapped his hands together and dug in. After he was done he and his mom spent about 5 minutes saying goodbye before Izuku headed out the door, jogging happily to his new school.

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Eijiro First Person POV

I was in a dreamless sleep before I heard yelling. I sat up, blocking my face with my forearms but let out a sigh of relief when I had realized I lived somewhere else. I lowered my arms and saw Mama in my doorway, she had a sad expression. She walked to my bed sitting at the edge, "Sorry, I didn't mean to make you remember Eiji. I was trying to get you up, you start school at UA today, remember!" she grinned, patting my leg. The mention of UA made me forget the yelling, I grinned and got off my bed, doing a little jig as I picked out my clothes. I ended out with a black Crimson Riot, my favorite hero ever, shirt and some ripped skinny jeans. I spiked up my hair, making sure my black roots weren't showing. When I was done I slid down the stair railing and ran to the kitchen. When I saw I was already running late I took a piece of bacon and a slice of toast, "Bye Mom! Bye Mama, love you guys!" I kissed them both on the cheek before I ran out the door, running to school with a goofy grin.

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Shoto Third Person POV

Shoto woke up to his normal 6:30 A.M. alarm, getting dressed silently and quickly to not wake up his father. He walked to an empty room, opening it slowly, looking at the vacated room with a sad sigh. He walked downstairs, Natsuo, his big brother, turned around and waved. "Mornin' Sho! Ready for school?" He grinned, Shoto smiled and nodded subtly. He walked to the kitchen, greeted by his big sister. "Ah! You're awake, finally, I had breakfast done 15 minutes ago!" she pouted, Shoto chuckled softly, "You know I wake up at 6:30, anyway I'm walking today so I have to go as soon as I can," he said in his usual monotonous voice, "Bye Fuyumi." He took a slice of toast and headed to the door. "I leave in 5 minutes so I'll just drive ya!" Natsuo grinned, standing up, "Today's my day back to college anyway!" he grinned again. Shoto shrugged and finished off his toast. When Natsuo went out the door, Shoto looked at a picture of a boy with red hair and blue eyes, sighing again, "Bye Touya..." he said quietly and followed after Natsuo, hopping in the passenger seat. "Heh, too bad dad never let me go to UA too." Natsuo chuckled softly. "I'll text you everything about it so it's like you're there too." Shoto never would admit it, but he had a huge soft spot for his siblings, especially Touya, the only one who endured his father's training. "We're here, have fun!" Natsuo grinned, showing off his perfect teeth. "I will, bye Natsuo." he said softly. "See ya this weekend, bye Shoto!!" it seemed to be impossible, but Natsuo's smile grew bigger and brighter as he drove off.

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Katsuki Third Person POV

"Katsuki! Hurry your ass up!!" Mitsuki yelled, pounding on the bathroom door. "SHUT IT YOU OLD HAG! I'LL TAKE AS LONG AS I WANT! UNLIKE YOU I'VE GOT MY WHOLE LIFE!" The fiery blonde yelled, mouth full of toothpaste. "I'LL BE GIVIN' YOU A GOOD WHACK IF YOU DON'T STOP BEING A SMART ASS!" She raised her arm to knock on the door but Katsuki opened it too quickly and she knocked on his forehead. "WATCH IT!!" Katsuki yelled, to which Mitsuki responded with a snort, "Your head sounds hollow!!" Katsuki shoved past her and stomped his way downstairs. He grabbed his stuff and ran out the door to the train station, "Bye Milf, bye Dad!!" he yelled before slamming the door.

Katsuki saw a lot of weird people on the train, someone with 6 arms, someone with misshapen elbows that looked like wheels, and a short boy with balls for his hair that looked to be about 12. Creeps, the blonde thought before getting off the train and heading to school, muttering to himself the whole time. "Damn school better be as good as they say or there'll be a massacre." he grumbled

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Heya ! Abby here back at it again with another bnha fanfic asijaisniaus
I really hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter and like the idea of this !
Abby out !!

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