The following morning Camilla went to Harry's closet, half of it now housed her pirate clothes. She put on a white pirate dress, the wide top collar exposed her shoulders and collarbones while the bottom was higher in the front and lower in the back. The front ended at her knees while the back was several inches longer but not long enough to touch the floor. Over it she put on a corset belt that was the same worn red leather like Harry's old jacket had been. The laces were black and the material went from her ribs to her hips. She had on black boots like Uma's that went up to her knee and she had parted her hair on the side again so the black covered both sides of her head and she'd curled it so it fell in beach waves, one side twisting together with the white hair underneath. She had red leather gloves that were fingerless on her thumb, pointer and middle fingers but no material covered her ring or pinkie fingers. The gloves went down past her wrists a bit and on the side of her wrist very small on the leather was a logo that mixed Harry's with the De Vil sigil she used to wear. One hook made an X with one dog bone and each were half black and half white. She'd also grabbed some scrap red leather fabric and made a headband that she rested past her bangs so they still framed her face nicely. She tied it at the nape of her neck and let the extra fabric hang over her shoulder.

Once she was dressed she went to the chip shop to get something for breakfast and found the rest of the crew there except Uma.  Gil was wearing a simple brown sleeveless vest that was buttoned all the way up and had gold patches over his shoulders. His matching brown pants had slashed tears in them and he wore his usual belts around his waist and one across his chest. He also had his usual yellow gloves and had pulled all his hair back into a ponytail. He was at the bar with Harry who had a similar vest to Gil's that didn't have sleeves and its color was slightly more burgundy-ish. It had a zipper that went up the side and he had an old traditional white sailor's shirt with an old fashioned collar and the white fabric covered his neck and the space where the vest opened at the top. The vest also had the same coattails his blacker vest had had but not a high collar. His pants were a patchwork of different fabrics and he had his usual boots and gloves on too. Camilla joined them both at the bar finding them watching the television.

On TV they were broadcasting Mal and Ben's engagement party, Camilla's heart clenched with sadness when she saw her brother and she hated the idea that this was the only way she'd see him once they closed the barrier for good. Everyone applauded as Ben and Mal walked up to the balcony and addressed the crowd.

"Lady Mal and I would like to thank you for celebrating our engagement with us today." Ben said, "I couldn't be prouder, or happier to call you my queen. So, raise your glasses to our future Queen of Auradon."

"To our Queen of Auradon." The crowd saluted raising their glasses filled with pink punch.

"Speech your specialness." Carlos said.

"Speech O fancy one." Jay added joking along. The crowd laughed at their antics and so did Mal before she fell quiet and the smile slid from her face.

"I can't." she said and the crowd gasped, even the ones watching in the chip shop. "I can't be Queen of Auradon."

Ben pulled her aside and the pair exchanged some words but none of them were caught by the microphones and cameras until Mal turned back to the crowd and explained.

"We made a decision, to close the barrier forever. . . and it was my idea, but it's wrong. I've learned. . . that you can't live in fear. Because it doesn't actually protect you from anything. You never know where the bad is going to come from. And you never know where the heroes are going to come from either – without Uma and her pirates. . . Auradon would be gone. And without Hades – my father –"

Chillin Like A Villain-A Descendants FanficWhere stories live. Discover now