"Same." Mal agreed.

"Actually." Doug began, "I would too."

"Alright man, let's do it!" Gil said happily, bringing his arm around Doug's shoulders. "Let's go Jane."

The three of them took off to find Fairy Godmother and the rest of them went inside to make a plan on how they were going to take on Audrey. They all sat at a table and helped themselves to a blue cake as they planned.

"So only Mal can use the ember –" Evie began before catching a look from Mal and she cut off her sentence which Camilla thought was odd, she was suspicious that they were hiding something but since they had bigger problems right now she pushed it aside for later.

"Which means we'll need to make a distraction for Audrey to let Mal get close enough to take her out." Uma said.

"Is there any way to box her in?" Camilla asked.

"Aye, like a back door? A large window?" Harry added and Camilla remembered the last time he used the large window on the Jolly Roger to his advantage when he came to save her.

"No." Ben said shaking his head sadly, "There's only the front door, which means she'll have the upper hand."

"So once we make our move we'll have to be fast." Uma said, "Keep on our toes, no matter what don't let her blast you with that scepter."

"And don't try to grab it from her either." Jay added, "I tried that with Maleficent at the coronation. It did not go well." he said shuddering at the memory.

"What about weapons?" Harry asked.

"The cottage is too small." Ben told them. "There's no room to swing a sword."

"It's going to be complete madness once we burst through that door." Carlos said petting Dude in his lap nervously.

"I'll try to get close to her as quick as I can." Mal said, "One good blast from the ember should knock the scepter out of her hands. Then you guys restrain her, hopefully once she's parted from my mother's magic she'll go back to normal."

"Hope?" Camilla asked, "You mean you're not sure?"

Mal shook her head, "Mom never talked to me about much magic since there was none on the Isle. She just gave me her spell book before we came to Auradon and I had to learn the rest on my own."

"So what if getting the scepter from her doesn't work?" Evie asked, "What if she's absorbed enough of the magic anyway?"

Mal took a deep breath, "We get in, you distract her, I'll use the ember and take the scepter from her. If she's still powerful after that you grab the scepter and get out of there, I can finish the fight with the ember but we can't risk her getting the scepter back once it's out of her hands."

"Losing's not an option." Uma said.

"Cause we're rotten." Mal continued.

"To the core."

"To the core."

"To the core."

"To the core."

"To the core." All five of them said leaving Ben and the pirates exchanging glances at each other. Carlos gave Camilla a glance too, though his was happier after hearing her finish their mantra too.


When they got to Fairy Cottage night had already fallen. They used the darkness to their advantage and crept through the shadows moving from tree to bush to tree to boulder until they were close enough to the cottage to see the front door. They went through the metal fence which creaked when they opened it and the sound made Camilla cringe, every fiber of her being hoping Audrey hadn't heard the noise. Ben opened the front door and stormed in the rest of them following behind but then they found something they hadn't been expecting – the place was empty. Jay ran upstairs but was back a second later.

Chillin Like A Villain-A Descendants FanficUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum