"So the good guys the bad guy?" Uma asked. "Well I might not give it back. See what happens." She said playing with the ember in her hand again.

"Uma it's not the time for games! People's lives are in danger!" Mal shouted and Harry chuckled beside Camilla as she leaned into his hold.

"Guarantee me that every single villain kid who wants to, can get off the Isle." Uma said offering a deal.

"I can't do that." Mal replied.

"Can't do that." Uma muttered with a shrug heading for the side of the bridge and holding the ember over the water, "Well how 'bout now!"

"Deal!" Mal shouted desperately, "Deal."

But Uma kept dangling the ember, even pretending to drop it playing with Mal in such a vulnerable state and at her mercy.

"Uma!" Evie shouted as Harry kept smiling evilly and Camilla crossed her arms and shifted her weight from Harry to her hip as she stood in her usual confident stance. "Her word is good."

Uma took a moment to look at Mal trying to see if the dragon witch was hiding a plan or ulterior motive but Camilla could see she wasn't – a foolish move. She should have a backup plan, a way to take the ember from Uma if she needed it that badly. But Auradon had softened her and now a villain held the power she needed, perfect.

"I'll still keep this." Uma said tucking the ember into her vest, "For the time being. Because if you think I trust you to save the world on your own. . . "she scoffed, "Think again. This is a job for pirates!" she said turning to her crew and they all chuckled, Camilla twirling a piece of her black and white mixed hair as Uma and Harry slapped each other's hands in a low high five.

"We can always go back to hating each other when this is over." Jay said to Mal who still didn't look convinced.

"Fine." Mal muttered before Jay turned to them.

"Where are our bikes?" he asked.

"Oh um yeah, we crashed 'em." Gil chuckled.

Harry laughed before making a vroom sound and giving a long whistle using his hand imitating the falling bikes they'd launched into the Gultch.

"Haha, look at his face." Harry laughed pointing his hook at Jay as Camilla brought her hand to his bicep and they smiled at each other.

"Here's a thought." Evie said stepping forward, "We could try to be friends. Put our history behind us and celebrate our differences."

Everyone looked at her with the same disbelieving look like they were all questioning if she'd lost her mind. Camilla stopped her hand mid hair twirl but none of the expressions she was getting stopped the bluenette.

"Yeah? Who wants gum?" she asked taking out a small pouch.

"Let's go." Uma said rolling her eyes and stepping forward toward Auradon but Mal stopped her.

"Ah! No. I'm in charge. Let's go."


When they made it to Auradon's shores thanks to some of Mal's magic they still had quite a walk before they reached the school which only left them all in a very tense atmosphere. Finally, as her crew started to get distracted by Auradon's beauty and Mal's gang became more worried about Audrey Carlos took his chance to walk beside Camilla.

"So. . . how have you been?" he asked and she scoffed and looked at him.

"Not bad for living on an Isle living off half rotten food." She said rolling her eyes.

Chillin Like A Villain-A Descendants FanficWhere stories live. Discover now