"I want the boy alive Gaston." Cruella said tapping the ash off the end of her cigarette.

"Of course, it wouldn't be fun otherwise." He grinned.


When Harry woke up the first thing he could tell about his new surroundings were that it was cold and damp. There was the smell of mold in the air and he could hear the squeaking of rats as they crawled across the floor looking for crumbs. When he found the strength to open his eyes he saw he was in a dark stone dungeon, he was chained to a pillar with his hands by his head, his hair in his face and his mouth gagged and try as he might he couldn't break free. Along the walls he saw several skeletons hanging from chains, there was even one that looked like he'd been trying to reach through the bars of his makeshift cell to grab a pot of water but had died before he could reach it. Harry swallowed nervously not knowing which villain now held him prisoner, he knew that Gaston had a dungeon in his cellar but it was full of caged animals – that's where he'd gotten the white tiger pelt for Camilla. 

At the far end of the dungeon he saw a wide stone staircase and at the top was a faint orange glow coming from the room above. He could hear muffled voices but couldn't make out who they belonged to or what they were saying. Then he heard footsteps that sounded like heels echoing off the stone as someone entered the dungeon. Then more footsteps followed behind and the voices grew louder.

"I see you had your fun before delivering him." Came a snappy high pitched voice – definitely a woman.

"All you said when we made our bargain was that I bring him to you alive." Came a deeper voice he knew to be Gaston.

"Yes, my faith in your limited intelligence is momentarily restored." The first voice sneered. Then the three figures came into view as they reached the end of the staircase. First there was the Evil Queen Grimhilde and as Harry looked around again he realized it must be her dungeon they'd imprisoned him in at the Castle Across the Way. The Queen walked with an air of royalty holding her long blue skirts to keep from dirtying them on the floor as she held her chin high and wore an expression of superiority but Harry saw a gleam of something wicked in her eye and remembered how much every villain on the Isle missed things like torture and watching others suffer worse than them and he knew how much these infamous villains would relish in causing him pain.

Following behind the Evil Queen was Gaston – as he had guessed – and Cruella De Vil. She wore a smiled that stretched from ear to ear but had a fire burning in her eyes. Harry took a deep breath and braced himself thinking of CJ and he was glad that Cruella had never found out that his baby sister had been the one behind her destroyed furs, whatever punishment she had for him he could take it, better him than CJ.

"I've spent enough time below deck to not be afraid of the dark, so if this is your idea of torture, you're going ta have ta try harder." He said putting up a strong confident front. But it only made Cruella's grin widen exposing her perfect white teeth making her bright red lips seem redder and more menacing like she'd painted them with blood and not lipstick. Harry didn't let it show but her smile made him quiver on the inside. Better him then CJ he told himself again, better him then CJ.


There was an odd feeling in Hell Hall that day as Camilla kept herself locked in her room going through her old pirate clothes and longing for the day when her mother would be distracted enough that she could cause trouble with Harry, Uma, Gil and the others again. Thinking of her mother made a light bulb go off in Camilla's mind and she realized what was so odd about today – Hell Hall was far too quiet. Usually her mother would be shouting at Horace and Jasper to fetch her one thing or another making her voice echo through the halls. With her curiosity peaked Camilla left her bedroom and made her way through the mansion. There was no trace of her mother or her minions, not even Jace or Harold.  Camilla grabbed her red leather coat and threw it on over her black knee length dress and Dalmatian print belt before making her way outside to the chilly winds of the Isle. She finally heard some sign of life and made her way to the front of the house where she found Horace and Jasper at their truck. They were working on the engine using assorted parts that had arrived on the barge to try and get the engine working. Beside their truck should have been her mother's sleek vehicle, Cruella refused to drive it unless it was in perfect condition which was close to never, so Camilla found it curious that the car was gone from its usual spot.

Chillin Like A Villain-A Descendants FanficWhere stories live. Discover now