Lesson 4: Substitute Teachers Can Be The Best Thing Ever or Awful

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  • Dedicated to My Chemistry Substitute Teacher

So we have been having a substitute in Chemistry for a few days now. Usually, I like to try to get along with subs. Especially for the sake of my real teacher in Chemistry who is amazing. But this one is just... mean.

We were grading this homework assignment today, and if everything wasn't exactly the way she had it written, it was wrong. I got like -9 on it because of her dictator-like grading system. And we didn't even get any candy.

I also learned that you should ALWAYS carry a jacket in school. Or atleast if you live in a place where it's already snowing. Sometimes a classroom is the Sahara, and other times, Santa Claus is sitting right next to you. I had a nice variety today, forcing me to put my jacket on and take it off multiple times.

Anyway, my room is literally a fridge, so that's fun. I left a luke-warm cup of water out last night and this morning, it was freezing. If I die it will be from freezing to death in my own bed. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.

Lots of Love!

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