"All clean." I said with a proud smile.
"No, I think you missed a spot." he says seriously.
"No I'm pretty sure..." his lips softly press against mine with tenderness. He tasted like sugar.
Two of my weaknesses combined into one.
Sugar and him.
What are the odds?

He pulls away and lightly kisses my nose.
"What's next on the agenda?" He asked me while tracing his fingers over the tattoo on my shoulder. Goosebumps formed on my skin from his touch.
My eyes wanders over to the bumper cars. People laughed with happiness and glee, as they crashed into one another.
I grab Devlin's hand, dragging him over to the cars.

Someone screams.
My heart drops. Please don't tell him killed someone again. I prayed.
"It's Devlin!" A girl screams followed by more screaming. Devlin puts on his charm. "Hello." he says to the mob of girls that crowded around him.
"I'm such a huge fan. The way you split your money and shared it to the children's hospital was so sweet!" A teen girl with short blonde hair and blue eyes says.
"Yeah, your amazing!" Another girl with sandy brown hair and hazel eyes adds.
Somehow I got pushed farther and father away from him as more adoring crowds, formed around him. I strained to see him but I was to short to see past them.

I heard him laugh loudly, followed by obnoxious school girl squeals.
I kicked a pebble with the tip of my black converse.
"So much for having fun." I grumble.
Someone pumps into me making me drop my cotton candy.
"I'm so sorry." a deep, musical voice apologizes.
I turn around and froze.
It was a tall male. Dressed in gold and white, from head to toe. He had that same unnatural beauty like the people in Devlin's office.
"I made you drop your c-cotton candy, I'm s-sorry I'll get you another one." He said nervously.

I was transfixed on his eyes. They seemed so familiar. It's like I've seen them before. I'm just not sure where, or when I've seen them.
They were a pale, baby blue color. Like the sky on a clear sunny day. His hair was a light sandy brown color with a few dark brown highlights in it. And his skin was perfectly tanned to a golden brown, as if he had been out all day bathing in the sun.

We stood there just looking at one another in confusion.
Neither one of us wanted to move. "K-korralena?" He asked in confusion. He rubbed his eyes and looked at me as if he couldn't believe I was real.
"H-how do you know my name?" I asked.
Korralena is my full name. My mother never used it, so I was always known as Korra. My mother is the only person who actually knows my full name. Not even my grandma knew it.
He opens his mouth to reply, but a loud, smooth, velvet voice, beats him to it.

"Catulus I've been looking for you everywhere!" Devlin says. I turn around and see him looking just as perfect as ever. He gives me that favorite smile of his and brings me into a hug.
"Who are you talking to?"

"I was talking to..." I stop in mid sentence. There was no one there. Not a trace of the familiar man anywhere. I turned around in a circle trying to see if I could catch a glimpse of his gold clothing.
It was like he spouted wings and flew away.
"I guess nobody." I say in a daze.
"Well come on let's hurry up and get a few rides in before your surprise." Devlin pulls me along. Thoughts of that man disappear, like he was never there.


After all kinds of thrill rides, more then I could count. And all the junk food our stomachs could handle, Devlin told me it was time.
We left the fair, leaving behind us the bright, laughter and excitement of it all.
My body was sore from walking all day and my feet were killing me. All I wanted to do was dive into the hotel bed and go into hibernation. I wasn't even suppose to be out. The nurse said I should get some more rest before I did any physical stuff.
Devlin reminded me that I wasn't all human and I should be fine in a couple of minutes.
I didn't want to believe him but I did feel fine. I always felt fine. Growing up as a kid falling down with a few scratches was normal for me. The school nurse was always confused when I came in her office. With all the dried up blood on my clothes, she would think it's a huge scrape. When she would search for the source, she'd find a scab already forming over the scratch.
I never paid attention to it.
Now that I think about, I've never been sick before.

Not once.

"Ok, now stop." Devlin's voice interrupts my wondering thoughts.
I come to a sudden halt.
"The beach? My surprise is the beach?" I didn't want to be rude but a beach was not a surprise. Not unless he bought it and named it after me. That would be cool. I highly doubt he did.
"No, I didn't. Your making me second guess my surprise for you." he says gloomily.

"Stop reading my mind. I want to see my surprise or else I'll bug you about it for the rest of your life." I say.
"Challenge accepted." he says with a wiggle of his eyebrows.
"Ok, ok."

He pulls me into a spot beside him. Adjusting my head to where I could see the fair that was on the pier.
The feirrs-wheel flashed brightly with different rainbow colors. Other tall rides glowed brightly, giving off their own colorful display. I could still hear the far away screams of joy.
The tides of the beach grew closer to my feet. I had ditched my converse and went barefooted. I rolled up my pants legs too.

The waves of the water roared as if to welcome us. The sun was setting.
"Keep looking." Devlin instructs me.
Then I saw my surprise.
The sunset was breathtaking. The sky glowed with purples, blues, pinks and oranges. It was magnificent. The water lapped up my legs with ice. I shivered but held my ground. I wanted to take in this scenery, like a butterfly does when taking nectar from a flower.
"It's beautiful." I say in a whisper.
Devlin takes my hand in his. I felt a small box being placed in it.

I looked at the little box in wonder. I open it and saw the most cutest thing ever!
It was a gold Koala bear necklace. The tiny bear was holding onto a tree limb. The gold chain sparkled in the sunset.
Devlin helps put it on me, while I held my hair out of the way.
"So what do you think?" He asked.
"It's beautiful." I say, referring to everything.

"Catulus, you got it all wrong. Your beautiful, pulcharm." He tells me.
I felt like I had died and gone to heaven.
I threw my arms around him. Pulling him into a deep, long kiss.
I couldn't fight these strong emotions towards him. I was tied to him in some past life.

"Hey! You two. No visitors on the beach after dark!" A life guard yells at us. He ran in our direction, blowing his whistle in a loud annoying way. Then he fell face first into the sand. He quickly got back up and kept running towards us.
"Hold on to me. And whatever you do, don't let go." Devlin whispers.
Before I could ask why, he shot up into the air like a bullet.
"Devlin, are you crazy!?" I screamed at him over the roaring wind, that rushed past my ears.
He seemed to pick up speed, as he shouted back, "No, I'm insane!"

I screamed for him to put me down. I was beginning to hyperventilate. My phobia of flying was kicking in.
My heart rate grew extremely fast. My head and back was pounding with pain. There was a loud reaping noise from behind me.
Devlin slowed down.
"You trust me, right?" He asked me.
"I'll trust you when you bring me safely back to the ground!"
"Let go." he tells me in a calm voice.
"N-no, what are you cra..."
"We already went over this, yes I am crazy. But you know I would never do something without a reason, so I'm asking you to let go." He says while prying my Steele grip off him.
I clawed and screamed and even had a tantrum.
"I don't wanna to let go. I'll fall! No! Devlin stop it! I don't wanna!"
He finally had me at arms length away from him. I dangled dangerously high off above the earth.

He smiles down at me.
"Don't you dare let go!" I warn him. But if I threatened him he would probably drop me for the heck of it.
Why did he want to kill me? After all we've been through.

His fingers slowly loosen. "Trust me." he says with a grin.
Then I was plummeting towards the earth once again. Déjà vu all over again.

Him book 1 {completed}Where stories live. Discover now