chapter 2

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*18 months ago*
Connie stretched her back as she walked towards the gates of her school. Sophomore year was finally over and what awaited her was a summer of adventure with her second family; the crystal gems. There haven't been too much action since the war with White ended a few years back; though artifacts, and gem mutants seemed to be popping up all over the place. Still Connie wanted to be ready for anything, just in case. She, Steven and Lars were never one to skimp on their training even during this time of peace and change.
Even if it's not full of harrowing adventures and battles (though with Jasper, Amethyst and Bismuth; she was sure there will be more than a few friendly fights..or at least wild misadventures), the simple fact that she will be spending the whole of her summer at beach city; but more importantly with Steven had a smile on her face...
Though that wasn't exactly true. Sure she'll be staying in beach city, she won't be at the temple overnight...most nights anyway. She'll actually be staying with Sadie.
Sadie Killer and The Suspects have so far become a profitable act, even having a couple of platinum albums. Of course being backed by Mr. Universe, Sunshine Justice; and later "Stella", along with having a now world renown Crystal Gem as a alumni bassist helps. Either way the band made enough to live out their wildest dreams... Which for Sadie was just to let her mother; Barb, retire from the post office well off. Still being able to own a nice place with a guest room for company was a perk.
As to why she was staying with Sadie rather than Steven, despite multiple occasions when she had stayed at the temple, was actually something even she couldn't really argue against. Priyanka made three very good points.
She'll be in dorms for college so getting use to a roommate could be essential. Also she like the Millers. She found them to smart , gentle, and strong women. Plus Sadie was one of the few people in beach city Priyanka and Doug got to meet personally.
While Both her and Doug loved Steven like a son, loved spending time with his very colorful family; and trusted them with their daughter, they did not want to put the two best friends in "nightly situations ".
When Connie accused her mother of blasphemous speech, Priyanka shot her down with one sentence.
" I have seen the looks you sent his way; You're not that slick ."
Connie cheeks warmed at the thought of her mom catching her. It's not like she was being perverse or something. She was just monitoring his growth. Make sure it was natural and not magic induced. Though, it would be lie to say she didn't find him easy on the eyes. Their adventurous lifestyle done him well.
She was distracted from her thoughts when one of her classmates tapped her on the shoulder in a very distinctive, very annoying way. With a sigh she turned and faced the guy. Slick black hair, green eyes; slightly pinkish complexion, and built like the volleyball player he is. Though by the looks of it he seemed to have just left the drama and film club end of the year party...Streamers and the Shakespearean cloak was a dead give away.
"Hey, Connie. You missed the party, Heading home?" His voice was gentle yet gruff with slight filtration.
"Yeah, I was there for abit, I'm guessing before you came. Now waiting for my pick-up."
"Oh! mind if I wait with you?"
"Well, that's nice of you, but it's ok. I'm sure my ride will be here soon. No need to trouble yourself."
" it's no trouble. Besides it'll give me a chance to chat you up".
Connie had to bite back her exasperated sigh, before nodding her head. Ryan was an ok guy. Arguably attractive with a personality that wasn't too overbearing..Though she felt that dealing with her schoolmates were more of a chore than most...Peedee,Jeff and a few others excluded.
"So. what's your plans for the summer?"
"Besides getting a head-start on college preparations, Mostly playing it by ear."
" Ah then, no 'hero adventures' planned."
"Well you can't really plan heroics. Just for whatever might happen. "
"So, since you aren't going to be so busy, is it ok to visit you sometime...Spend some time and get to know you outside of school."
"I'm the same person outside of school, no different I swear. Scars and pink arm all"
"Uh-huh. Seems like you don't want to hang."
"No...You're just really forward. Kind of caught me off guard. What brought about this?"
Ryan face grew a slight pink at Connies' curious look before he took a deep breath.
"I'm interested in you?"
Connie arched an eyebrow at his tone. This was the most uncertain she ever heard him...Though that wasn't saying much. They don't usually have one on one discussions. Ryan facepalmed slightly at the unintentional question. His embarrassment grew a bit when he heard a small chuckle from connie.
"I'm sorry i didn't mean that....That came out wrong..."
"Oh! I'm flattered actually. Though you do seem a little unsure yourself"
"I'm nervous, sue me."
"You don't have to be nervous around me. What the worst that can happen?"
Ryan looked straight at the painfully smiling Connie, before sighing..It was oblivious how this was going to turn out, but he figured he might as well get some closure. With that he grabbed her pink left hand gave it a light squeeze, getting a small blush out of Connie.
" Connie, I'm attracted to you. I've been interested in you since seventh grade ..Just too shy to say anything about it. "
"That's quite a long time... and I don't remember seeing you in school."
"Well...That because i first saw you at one of our tennis games...I was on an opposing team and played a double male match against your team mates; The jersey devils?"
Connie eyes widen in remembrance; Steven with Lion, Jeff; Peedee, and surprisingly Onion caught her off guard by coming and cheering for her during her match. A match she won due to technicality; knocking her opponent out by accident.
No one expected the ball to bounce that quick or that hard.
"Oh yeah, I remember..She still hates me?" Connie blushed as she asked her joke.
"I wouldn't know. I left the team soon after, she was annoyed about it though. Still that was the first time I saw you..and thought you were cool and cute. Messy bun, teal tennis dress and blue tights. Keeping up with the best on our team like it was nothing. Though it seemed strange how you was holding your racket like a sword. Anyway i wanted to talk to you but, i was a bit shy..and when I was going to, you was heading off on top of that pink lion you're always with along with your friend ,Steve."
"Ah yeah..I sprained my ankle during the match and the boys didn't want me walking on it...It's Steven, by the by."
"Steven. After that I moved from Jersey to Delmarva, and saw you around; both in school with Jeff, Peedee or both and outside school with Steven and the lion...A lot times seem like you were on a date. I didn't want to intrude."
"Oh!... Well, I mean...I guess they were dates...friendly dates. Outings really.. . "
"So you and him aren't together or dating?"
"Not together 'together',no."
"And you don't liked him any more than a friend?"
"Kind of...kind of invasive there, don't you think?"
" Sorry...It's this or shyness, plus It just...I like you..I mean really like you...I'm just asking for a chance to get to know you and show you that I can be someone that can be with you."
"You give me too much credit. I am no way as interesting as the version of me you got in your mind." The sadness in her voice shook him slightly.
"Really? What if I don't think you're that interesting?"
"Then we wouldn't be having this conversation."
Connie gently took her hand back before stretched her back a bit with a small moan, unaware of the blush appearing on Ryan's face as he watch her press against her school blouse; allowing just a bit of her navel to peek through before relaxing, and looking at Ryan straight in his eyes.
"Ryan... You would be a great guy to date. I know anybody would love to be with you. I appreciate you being honest and would like to have you as a friend, but friendship is all i can offer you, nothing more."
"Nothing more? it because of your lifestyle. I promise I'd be understanding and-" Ryan was cut off instantly as Connie put her hand up silencing him.
"It'd be completely unfair to you or anybody, entering an relationship with me. I'd never be 100% into it. It'd be a competition between whoever i'm dating ...and Steven."
Ryan didn't, couldn't respond right away. He knew he was going to get rejected and he knew that they was close ( like he said he almost always saw them together)...but this seemed to be something else.
"Have you tried?..Dating I mean?"
"Yes. I have tried dating a couple of of them times happened to be Jeff...but that became weird and we went back to being friends."
"Yeah something happened and we unanimously decided to kill relationship and go back to being friends. Almost like siblings now. Along with the more common stuff."
"What stuff?"
"Well how would you feel if the person who was your partner..leaned on their best friend more than you"
"Physically or Emotionally "
"Both...That's,not even the worst of it. How about coming to your partner house only to be informed that they went on a picnic at sunset with their male best friend; cancelling a date because you're needed to fuse for a random monster attack and not informing said partner until a few days later, not because the mission took that long, but because you was hanging with said best friend and his family and forgot."
Ryan didn't even know how to respond to this information. To him, it seemed like she was being taken advantage of, Like Steven tried to keep them apart, purposely.
"That, Sounds real bad."
"Yeah..I told you I was-"
"Seemed like your friend was sabotaging your relationship, also seem he takes advantage of your kindness."
The look he received from Connie was one that was saved use during the fights with Diamond loyalist during the war. It was a fiery and iron cast glare that caused him to back up away from the smaller teen. He realized he might have crossed a line.
"Don't you ever speak of Steven like that. You don't know him nearly enough to make an assumption."
Connie voice was low and cool, but it was every bit as sharp as the her blade and hit as hard as her pink fist. Ryan glared a bit before he retaliated.
"You're right I don't know him, but from what you told me so far it seem like he wanted to monopolize your time. Taking you out on dates, interrupting dates with your boyfriend, seem like someone who didn't care much about your relationship."
"You're wrong about that and I don't appreciate you talking about him."
"Well my apologies, It just seem like he's inconsiderate when it comes to your relationships outside of yours."
"No..No. If anyone's inconsiderate it is me. I've been in a few romantic relationships and Steven was the catalyst for some of them beginning while I, their ending."
"Thanks...But yeah i'm not a good 'girlfriend'..I even hate being called that."
'I can't say i'm too surprised' Ryan thought as he watch the usual cool Connie (in his opinion) chuckling sadly before she continued.
" I'm fickle when it comes to romance...I feel the same initial excited attraction as everyone feels, but it doesn't stay for long, then I felt myself becoming more romantically distant after a month or so, sometimes a few weeks, while my partner still riding the wave of new romance. Dates become more hanging out with just a friend, nothing more ..It's comfortable but that all it is. The spark vanishes far too quickly and with it the eagerness to continue a relationship.. I also seem to compare the relationship to mines and Stevens'...Which they never measure least in my eyes."
"Well..Seems to me your not fickle at all.. You're very dedicated to your relationship with Steven."
"Well he is first and closest friend, the biscuit to my berry, The shield to my sword, my other half, you know."
"Sheesh, sound like you two are together, romantically..Or at least you want to be."
Connie laughed out loud at the statement. To her it was insane to even consider such things. " and Steven! I mean yeah sure he's in my 'Strike zone' admittedly, but like I told you I'm no girlfriend material. Romance don't stay with me. If it did I would had pursued..."
Ryan couldn't help but smirk as Connie face lit up with a blush and groaned into a joyful giggle.
"Oh no. They was right. They was all right"
" been told this before,i assume..are you alright?"
"By everyone...and yes and no..I'm ecstatic at the revelation but annoyed at how cliche and schmaltzy it all is."
"Well it not like you haven't tried to date others.. just it all lead back to-"
Before Ryan knew what was happening, he found himself being pulled close to Connie's form by her pink arm, as she took a few steps back. He turned to see just a glimpse of a rose colored portal before it disappeared and in his previous place was A pink lion with a familiar seventeen year old sumo/ linebacker on top.
Black large curls with pink streaks, deep brown eyes; slightly tan skin, and a very light five o'clock shadow. Wearing a dark yellow t-shirt under a pink vest with a star on it's back, black jeans; a pair of size 14 pink and white sneakers, and a pair of pink mid finger gloves. The teen climbed off the beast and smiled as he pat lions head before turning to the two. This was Steven Universe.
Ryan was intimidated to say the least. 'This guy is larger than life...literally.' Ryan thoughts were racing so much that he didn't even acknowledge when Connie left his side until she and Steven was twirling in a hug, His hands on her hips and her arms around his shoulders; their foreheads touching, chukling and giggling before tossing her up slightly and catching her.
"Steven! I'm wearing a skirt! Put me down you hulking quartz!" Connie commanded as he continued to held her up by her hips, though the smile said that she really didn't mind.
"Diamond actually..And not until i get my just desserts ." With a roguish grin, Steven turned his cheek towards his berry, who jokingly rolled her eyes with an exasperated sigh, before giving the hybrid a sweet kiss upon his whiskered cheek, before blowing a raspberry, causing a belly laugh to erupt out of Steven before placing Connie down, yet never letting go of her form.
"Missed you, Miss knight."
"Missed you too, My liege. Welcome back."
The two companions chuckled slyly as the gazed at each other.
Ryan turned away for the moment feeling a bit embarrassed at the display. With a clear of his throat, the other two acknowledged that they had audience and reluctantly released each other, a blush on his their face.
"I'm guessing, this is your 'best friend' ?"
"Yes..Steven, this is Ryan, a friend from school; Ryan this is Steven...My best friend." The blush and slight glare she sent Ryan way threw the hybrid off, but the way Ryan was smugly smiling seem mischievous, not he knows something that Steven did not. Still if Connie considers him a friend, he'd can't be all bad.
""How it's going, Steven? Nice to meet ya"
"As well as it could, hehe. Ryan, Nice to meet you too."
before anymore introductions could be handled a small grunt was heard from behind the three. They turned to see Lion looking at Them in an almost insulted way.
Connie giggled as she nuzzled up and give a small kiss against lions skull, prompting him to glomp and knock her down before rubbing his head against her face with a pur causing another eruption of laughter.
" I missed you to lion. Let me up please."
Lion snorted in response beforelicking her cheek, refusing to get up and making her kick her feet in joy filled protest. She gave up after a few minutes and allowed the beast to have his way. She looked over to the boys who was highly amused at the situation.
"Ha, ha. Laugh it up. Mind helping our son off me, Steven."
"You know he probably would get off if you introduced him.You know how PRIDEFUL he could be."
"I'd be LION if I said I didn't. Really though, help."
Smirking a bit, Steven wrapped arms around lion and gently lifted him off Connie allowing her to stand up on her feet, before placing the beast back down on his feet. Lion stood at attention near Connie waiting to be introduced, getting a chuckle out of the jam buds.
"Ryan, this big ball of cotton candy name is Lion. Say hi Lion, since you wanted an intro so bad."
Lion looked at the green eyed boy for a few moments before yawning and turning away and walking off, leaving the three teens to themselves.
"Um....Shouldn't we stop him from roaming around?"? Someone might call animal control." Ryan's statement caused the two jam buds to smirk. The thought of animal control trying to subdue Lion was amusing to say the least.
"Don't worry, lion knows his way around, and how to stay hidden when he need to..." Steven started with a mischievous look before looking back and forth between Connie and Ryan.
"Sooooo....What was you two discussing before me and Lion crashed through? You two was kind of close there."
"Well, of course we was, You nearly rammed into us." Connie grimaced as she rubbed the back of her head. A bit of red on her face.
"Sorry...We were just excited to see you is all. Still...Was there something you two speaking about..cause i can give you some space... Let you finish."
"What? Steven you don't ha-
" Yes, please. I mean it's a little embarrassing asking in front of another guy."
Connie eyes widen and whipped her head towards Ryan, accusation on her face. Steven said nothing but gave a small smile as he walked away from the two. While Connie was looking at Ryan, Ryan was looking at Steven and saw that his smile didn't exactly reached his eyes and he could have sworn they flashed bit of pink. One thing for sure they looked tired and colder than before, especially in the quick second he was in Stevens sight.
When Steven was supposedly out of hearing range, Connie in a moment of anger grabbed Ryan shoulder hard.
"Ow! Ow! Stop it! Why your grip so hard?!"
"Training, now tell me why?"
"That really hurt you know, and that not even the pink arm."
With a sigh Connie let Ryan go and rubbed it to ease the pain, causing a Ryan to face to brightened.
"Sorry, that was immature of me."
"The massage is more than worth it."
"Yeah yeah, didn't even grab you hard."
"Well unless you haven't seen yourself in the mirror, you're no small girl Connie."
"That's a compliment! You're Amazonian like."
Connie arched and looked accusingly at the surrendering boy, before allowing a chuckle escape and a smug smile to form. With a light pat of the arm, Connie signal the end of the rubbed and backed up a bit.
With Knuckles on her hips she looked straight into Ryan's eyes expectantly. causing the boy to sigh.
" So... What you gonna do about Steven and you?"
"Nothing, cause there's nothing to do. What we got between us is what it is. Why would I want to change our dynamic. It's a comfortable dynamic."
"Are you really satisfied with it? Half assing dates and relationships?"
"I wouldn't call them relationships...and I didn't half ass my time with them. I tried to have a thing with those people. It just didn't work, I couldn't. It felt fake."
"...You can't force attraction or infatuation for someone upon yourself...Especially when you already love someone else."
"It's not like that with us! Even if I feel that way I'm once again, 'Bad at Romance'. It'd be weird..we'd break up and then what we have now will be broken. I rather just keep my feelings to myself and try to find someone else. Besides with the life we live..the life he lives, he deserves someone better suited for a partner."
Ryan rubbed his eyes in annoyance.
"Connie..I like you so much...but you and him are both selfish and stupid."
Connie didn't say anything but she did fold her arms under her chest and glare at him.
"Oh, don't you look at me like that. You don't even realize that you've been hurting him. In the matter of minutes I met him, I could see him burning with jealousy and wary of me being around you."
"Please! Steven knows how important he is. I wouldn't be who I am without him in my life. We're each others confidants, places of stability. We're irreplaceable to the other.Besides that, Steven jealous..not likely."
"Does he? I mean... Look I can't imagine what you two have done together or whatever..but have you told him that?"
"You're right, you couldn't imagine what we've done together, for each other...Yes, of course I told him. I showed him. I remind him as needed. He's my best friend, I love him and I'm pretty sure it's vice versa. There's nothing we wouldn't do for each other."
"And yet, you rather go on date with others you have no intention of pursuing anything more than a friendship with."
"Isn't that the point of dating. To see if there's something in common between two people, a spark of attraction so to speak."
"True, but that isn't why you did it. Subconsciously you must have figure who you wanted, so why did you agree?"
Connie didn't answer as she thought to herself the same question looking forward as she did, towards where Steven stood along with Jeff, PeeDee, and Lion chatting. With everything going on with Steven being a diamond, trying to find an alternative way to cure corruption; gem missions, helping to find alternatives to gem production; and playing emissary for both planets, the last thing he needed was his jam bud declaring affections for him. Especially, since he also had his own share of problems in that department with bold gems...and even bolder girls hitting on him.
If she was honest..she felt she missed that chance for her years ago. She knew she had something for him...but she was young and decided to ignore it and keep them buried. Instead she concentrated on becoming even more useful and reliable to him and the gems. Being the little piece of serenity and peace that he needs, the same way she always been. She didn't need to be his love partner for that. Didn't need to, but she sure as hell wanted to; more than ever now that those feelings of affection resurfaced.
"It's alright if you don't want to answer that, but don't you think it time you two stop playing this game of yours?"
"Hey, no games are being played here. I take offense to that statement."
"Tsh! Sure..I wonder how everyone you dated feel, if they saw a display like i did. The easy almost puzzle piece affection, the universe shining in your eyes. looking as if you was reunited with a whole half of yourself. "
"Funny you should say that...We've been one, many times before ever since we were kids actually. We'd need to become stevonnie soon...I miss it."
Ryan tilted his head to the left and widen his eye at her declaration. "....WHAT?! Time out, since your was kids...YOU DID..THAT? I mean..i guess it isn't surprisingly with the way you act around each other.I thought you would have waited until an older age..but when you feel the urge i guess..-"
"Ugh. I mean literally one as in fusion...Magic in my life, remember."
"Like in anime?!"
"Dance and all...sometimes."
"Ah sorry..I shouldn't have...though it really wouldn't be too surprising if you really did. Statistics do least you did a few min ago. Just saying as a friend."
"Well you been kind of insulting for a friend. Saying I'm half assing relationships, and that I was playing with the people I dated. That we come off a couple of promiscuous teens who throw caution in the wind."
Ryan gave a toothy smirk at Connie accusations.
"I said you acted like newlyweds. Never said anything about you being promiscuous. My image of you is forever tainted."
Connie rolled her eyes at the overdramatics before giving him a light punch.
'"Oh shut up, ya jerk."
"Such deviant thoughts must be running through you mind. Like holding his hand, cuddling under a blanket fort, sharing a juice between the two you."
"Ok one, been there done that and currently do that."
"You dirty dirty girl."
Two, I'm an woman who is quite aware of what she wants..please treat my desires with with respect."
"Noted, sorry"
"Accepted and three...Pillow forts and sharing juice is the epitome of chill dates; better get with it!"
"Yeah, yeah. When I found someone we can double up, you lil sinner."
"Mark me with a scarlet letter then"
"Right on! Real talk...You gotta tell him and stop playing games."
"No one is getting played with, Ryan! I've always been honest in a relationship. I tried to explore different people and make other connections...."
"I'm not talking about who you dated..i'm talking about you two! You two are playing yourselves, hurting yourselves & possibly others, and I don't even think you two know it."
"Even if all that is true, I can't just say that I want to be with him romantically. That I want to be his...ugh 'girlfriend'...I hate that label.
" You really do. Why though?"
"Pass experiences caused it to rub me the wrong way for some it sounds ..too monogamous."
"And a monogamous relationship is a bad thing?"
"Of course not. I definitely wouldn't mind having one myself, but Steven is someone who can love anybody and everybody... and having more than one emotional partner... Well i've always been partial to that. Though none of it matters right now...No matter how we would be together...I just want my chance with Steven. In all things, I want to be his! If he accepts me."
The moment those words left her mouth,Connie turned away from everyone. Her face red with the realization of the weight of her feelings. She loved him, of course she did..deeply, truly, wholeheartedly, and undisputedly. She would always have a flame for him. Even if her desire to be more wasn't return; If it comes to that he didn't feel the same and love her as only a best friend and her wanting to have that only remain a fantasy, so be it. That being said, she made her decision, determination written on her face.
"Well, he doesn't seem like an idiot, so he should at least give you a chance."
Ryan smirked under the glare of Connie's left eye."Hey! No bad mouthing my Steven."
"Oh possessive already..Really though tell him. You owe it to him, me, everyone either of you dated before this and most important yourself."
Connie rubbed the back of her neck feeling a pinch more tense. "You still make it sound so easy...but you are right. I need to admit this.. We need to talk about this, about us...Damn...We've never really talked about us."
"Nothing like the present, right? Also, we should probably wrap this up..Your boys have been giving me a bit of a stink eye for a few!"
Connie turned around and looked towards the direction of Steven and the boys, who, while not giving Ryan a stink eye; did look a bit more apprehensive than usual. None of that mattered when her eyes locked with Steven and saw a glint of pink in a pensive glare. Her face reddened as she gave a slight beckoning wave towards the group to hope to ease the looks. It didn't really help, but Steven did look back towards lion and nodded. The jungle cat roared and opened a portal before allowing jeff and Peedee upon him and jumping through the gate,with Steven waving them off before he headed towards the two with a half smile.
"So...Are we ready to go or do you two need a bit more time?"
The way he asked was peculiar though, it was cooler than usual and had a hint of impatience. Ryan smirked before backing up a bit, giving Connie a knowing look.
"I think we're done here. I really don't want to keep you guys any longer... Besides I'm running late to start my summer vacation... We have so little of them left after all."
Connie noded with fake sympathy. " I hear ya brother".
Ryan gave them a small wave as he turned and began to walk off. She gave Steven a sheepish smile before asking for one moment, who nodded with a sigh. Connie ran off after Ryan, not before giving Steven a tight hug.
"Hold up for a moment!"
Ryan stopped and turned only to get a quick hug ad a very light peck on the cheek. To say he was heart struck would be an understatement he placed a hand on where she kissed and was looking shocked with tomato face..that got redder staring at her thousand watt smile and shining almond eyes looking up at him. He felt himself falling for the pink armed beauty again.
"That's for being a sweetheart, a confidant and a precious friend. Sorry that I couldn't be what you wanted..."
The look she gave Steven was similar to the look he was giving her but there was so much more in them eyes. It wasn't fanciful attraction, but real infatuation born by and nurtured by experience, trust, unfleeting emotion, and understanding. He shook his head with a slightly,a decision has been made. She gave him a joking smile before backing up a bit
"But you know why. You deserve someone better than me anyhow."
"Heh, I agree..we really wouldn't be a good fit as a couple."
"See...But that doesn't mean I can't help get you a girl during the summer or you know hang out as friends."
"You gonna get me a girl, well how can I say no. Hehe...! Naw, I'm good on that front; an invite to hang with the 'Connie Maheswaran' though, I'd be a fool to decline!"
"Flatterer. So we'll hook up and make it a group thing. Show you how I am outside of school."
"Yeah,bet...but I think you should go...Don't wanna keep him and yourself waiting any longer."
"That's true...I've been putting it off long enough...So yeah I'll contact you and we'll hash out some plans." Connie stated as she began to back up towards where Steven was waiting, before turning and walking upping her pace toward the hybrid. Ryan shook his head and was about to walk off when a thought occurred to him. He turned and saw the jam buds smiling as each other. He decided to leave them be and continue on his way.. Besides she could always get his number from Jeff.

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