Chapter 1 - Preminger vs. Rich Thot and SkoOOOLboi

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The gaudy, pink palace loomed ahead of you. You hated the sight up it, sitting perfectly on that plateau, completely untouchable. You lived in its shadow, in an impoverished village since after the late King died almost a decade ago. As the Queen and Princess dined only the finest delicacies, you were forced to eat mere scraps.

At least you still had hope. You remembered the rags to riches story of The Great Preminger, a hero of the village. He was a peasant son like yourself, but he was able to rise up-- acquiring the position of the late King's most trusted adviser. Maybe if I tried just as hard as he did, I could rise up the ranks as well--

Your ambitious thoughts were cut short as you heard a loud commotion from the village square. Commotions did not happen often in the village, for everyone barely has the energy. People were even too exhausted and starving to simply complain about the living situation. But this commotion was the loudest you've ever heard the village be in a while. There was a good reason for it too, for there, above all the heads of the crowd, looming just as the castle did, was the brilliant palace coach.

You stood, awed at it, for it contrasted perfectly to the drab surroundings around it. And out of it, stepped an alien. She must've been foolish to think her cape would cover her dress that could probably buy the entire stock of the village. Her clean hands, face and teeth were practically a beacon-- you could've sworn she was sparkling. Guiding her out of the carriage was the snake named Julian. The village had originally hailed him as another rags to riches story, like Preminger, but after he came to the palace to become the Princess's tutor, he never looked back. Your face twisted, revolted to see the two of them.

They began the field trip around the the village, ogling at the poor and sick as if they were animals in a cage who had been created simply for their own entertainment. They began to pick things out of the food stalls, without even considering that payment would be required, and ignoring any shop keep begging to be reimbursed for their thievery. They were higher than us all-- they knew they did not have to abide by the same rules we had to, and they took advantage of that fact.

Julian reached his hand out to pick a rose from yet another cart when a hand grabbed his wrist. Julian's hand recoiled quickly, and made a perplexed face at what lowly creature would dare desecrate his wealthy hand. There stood Preminger, grinning up at him with his perfect teeth. Still smiling, he said venomously, "Looking for something, 'schoolboy'?"

You could have sworn to hear quiet cheers among the crowd, as Julian herded the glaring Princess back to the carriage. The entire crowd was buzzing with excitement as some of the elders made their way through to shake Preminger's hand. He waved graciously to the crowd, then a serious look appeared on his face as his eyes laid on some of the sick, laying in an alleyway. Everyone heard what sounded like music-- the unmistakable shake of coins as Preminger pulled a bag out of a satchel. He made his way over to them, and they turned their heads to see him, eyes dull, but with small smiles on all of their faces.

Preminger knelt to one, handing her the bag of money, with the saddest smile on his face. His eyes were bleary, but he managed to stay strong as he stood back up and walked back to his horse. He winked to the congregation and rode away, not only stealing the affection of the crowd, but also stealing yours.

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