The Courtroom

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Today we go to court and we see if I get to have my son, after months of tears and waiting and pain.

The judge: I feel that the child should go to the biological mother. 

The words went into my ear and i couldn't believe i could see my son, after 4 years, i fell to my knees and wept, Greyson held onto me and cried along with me. My son ran up to Greyson. 

We got into Greyson's Car and the man drove as me, Lucas and Greyson talked. 

Greyson: Remeber when i told you about mommy? 

Lucas: Is this mommy? 

Greyson: Yes. 

Lucas: HI MOMMY! 

I had tears in my eyes, i had missed so much of his life. 

Me: Hi Lucas. 

Lucas: What's your name? 

Me: Roxanne. 

Lucas: My name is Lucas Nixxin! 

Me: I know baby. 

Lucas: How old are you? 

Greyson: We don't ask girls how old they are, it's a secret. 

Me: You can know mommies age though, i'm 21.

Lucas: Wow.. You stood by the water at 17? 

Me: Huh? 

I get a text from Greyson

Greyson: I told him women stand by water and hold hands with a man to get pregnant

Me: O. Ok. 

Greyson: Yeah.

Me: How does he know subtraction?

Greyson: He's in 1st grade.  

Me: AT 4??? 

Greyson: He was too smart for pre-school and kindergarten, and they couldn't skip him up anymore grades. 

Me:  Your raised him well. 

Greyson: He has his mama's brain. 

Me: Yep. 

I turn back to Lucas.

Me: Yes, i did. 17. 

Lucas: How come your hair is brown, but in the picture it's blonde?

Me: What picture?

Lucas: This one. 

Greyson: Where did you get that? 

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Greyson: Where did you get that? 

I look at Greyson and smile. 

Lucas: I printed it from your phone, and by the way you shouldn't have picture of dead people or the cops will come looking for you because the government can see your pictures. 

Me and Greyson look at each other

Me: Mommy had dyed her hair blonde

Lucas: Chemicals in hair dye can kill your  healthy hair cells with result in hair loss. 

Me: How about you watch a little tv? 

Lucas: Tv can make you loose brain cells with those stupid kid shows, i want to watch Pbs kids. 

Me: Okay. 

Me and Greyson text

Me: You still have that? 

Greyson: Yeah, I have a lot of pictures of you. 

Me: You really missed me? 

Greyson: Yeah. 

Me: I wonder why he chose that picture out of all the pictures you have. 

Greyson: He is like his dad, he likes your shape. 

Me: What is that supposed to mean? 

Greyson: No! Not my dad, I mean i love Lucas like he is my own, and that would make me his dad. 

Me: I feel like you were trying to make a joke. Lucas is your brother, not your son. 

I see Greyson ball up his fist

Greyson: Well that's a low blow. 

Me: You don't think you making fun of Lucas being your dad's son is a low blow? 

Greyson huffs


Me: Oh, sorry. 

Greyson: I forgive you. 

Me: I love you. 

Greyson: Not as much as i love you. 

Me: You really need to delete those pictures of your victims. 

Greyson: I send them to my rivals to show them what i can do. 

Me: Your crazy.. 

Greyson: You must like Crazy because you keep coming back. 

Me: Why did you capitalize crazy in the middle of the sentence? 

Greyson snickers

Greyson: You just ruined the mood... I'm sleepy though. 

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