unfinished - 4

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RM leads to your room and leaves you to it.

You: "I should've ran while I had the chance to.. I'm way too stupid.."(Maybe its because of Jungkook! He is cute..LIKE THE MAKNAE HE IS.. Knbznaakbsk)

Jimin: "We've locked the door and windows.. Anyways.. "

You were surprised by his sudden entrance.

You: "You scared the shit out of me!"

Jimin: "Sorry about that.."

As you were daydreaming.. About Meeting the seven of them.. His hands slowly reaches around the sides of your waist..

Hoseok Hyung spotted what you guys were doing!

Jhope: "AHH! Y/N! Jimin!"

Jimin panicking pulled you towards him making it more awkward..

You: "J-Jimin! What are you doing!?"

He let you go after that awkward back hug..

Jhope: "Y/N.. Don't tell me your with Jimin aswell! Are you cheating on Him!?"

Jin, V, RM and Jungkook came in.

You blush until you were as red as a tomato because of Hoseok spotting you guys, even if you did nothing wrong but daydream, until realizing what Jimin was doing to you...

Jimin does nothing except stare in awe at Hoseok and the others (except Suga, because he's still sleeping)

Jin: "Omo, really!? You bring so much gossip when you're around!"

Jungkook stares at you looking hurt..

You try and run away from the situation but V blocks your way..

RM: "Explain. What. Happened.."

Jhope: "I saw it with my own eyes!"

Tae: "What do you mean Hoseok?

RM went to get something.

Jhope: "Jimin and Y/N hugged like they were a couple!"

Jin: "False accusment again Hoseok! We all know our dear Kookie is fit for Y/N! They are the same age!"

Jhope: "How would you know that!?. Y/N what's your age..?"

RM came back trying to resolve the fight but they wouldn't stop..

You stood there in awe as Jin and Jhope started fighting.

You realize you hurt Jungkook..

Jungkook tears up.. After seeing his Hyungs fight, aswell.. He runs to his room without any of the members noticing him cry..

As soon as Jungkook ran to his room..

Yoongi came out of his room with a really annoyed expression...


You were startled by Yoongi's entrance and ran to Jungkook to tell him it's okay..

V walked away by Yoongi's presence aswell..

As you ran to Jungkook's room, Jimin grabs your waist.. Dragging you towards his room..
Jimin whispers into your ear saying:

Jimin: "We aren't done here.."

He carried you bridal style and smirked at your surprised expression.

You reach his room..

He locked the door..

He walked towards you..

You: "J-Jimin.. Why are you d-doing th-this?!"

Jimin looks at you with a hungry expression, full of lust.. Ready to pounce on his dinner.. Until V knocked on Jimin's door.

Tae: "Jimin! Have you seen Y/N somewhere..? RM's looking for her.."

Jimin: "No, check the bathroom.."

Jimin licks his lips..  putting his leg somewhere, making you a bit more comfortable..

You: "J-Jimin..Wh—Why?"

His eyes had a pitch black colour..

He stared you down with another smirk..  A smirk.. That was unseen to you.. Until now..

You felt your body go stiff..

Jimin: "I love you Y/N.."

Jimin didn't hesitate to smash his lips onto yours..

Feeling his tongue slide deep in your throat.. You push him away..

You: "J-Jimin.. We can't be together.. I-We just can't be.. For Jungkook's sake.."

Jimin: "Why..? Aren't I yours already..?"

You: "I know Jungkook likes me aswell..AND YOU'TE JUST A FUCKING PERVERT!!!"

Jimin looks into your gazing eyes.. Realizing what you meant.. He got off you and opened the door for you....

You walk out the door and thought to yourself..

(Who am I kidding.. I like both Jungkook and Jimin..WHY THE HELL IS JIMIN BIAS WRECKING ME?!?!? I gotta stay loyal to my Kookie~)


BTS what are you doing to Me!? / Chooseजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें