Only Human...

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"Oh, if only I could do things right"

You say these words

From yesterday to today to tomorrow

You always belittle yourself in spite

Of the forgiveness of The Lord

For you ARE his wee sparrow

Heads up dear friend

We're all human

You aren't the only one stuck in the whirlwind

You insist that to your troubles there is no end

Breathe, 'cause God acknowledges you're only human

And the Bible says that all have sinned

Your stumbling cannot to be taken on alone

This you must surely know

Every one will still sin 'til they go home

Jesus died for that purpose, wee sparrow

And so hold your head up

The devil only has you 'til the grave

But always God we must follow

And because of His abounding love

You are forgiven yesterday, today, tomorrow

You're only human...

Solomon wise, even the wisest have fallen

But they realise their wrongs and strive to fight it

You're only human...


And you will continue to fight evil with God's sword

-Michaela Raygor


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