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Story by

General fiction


Fanfiction (manan version) xhighonwingsx

17 year old Cara is a normal girl, she's a simple, caring girl whom no one would notice..

Until 18 year old Ace notices her...

Cara's strange fascination with him is almost like a drug...

A drug she's addicted to... A drug which has become her need...

But with every addiction, comes a consequence...

There's always been something amiss with Ace, but what?

What part of the story is Cara missing?

Will the secret make her hate Ace or hate her addiction? Or will the secret make her more addicted to him?

What happens when the man you love, isn't who you thought he was?

What happens when you're prince charming is none other than Devil king himself??

Tune into the story to know more..!!

A killer romance.

Warning : There is a reason for Mature Content... It's not only sex

Made :16th Jan 2020

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