Fun House (Part 4)

Start from the beginning


10 minutes later

After flipping over a railing and landing on her feet, Harley Quinn ran down the hallway until she reached Dick, who she slapped awake to get his attention. Dick awoke at the harsh contact, his lips immediately going from a relaxed state back to the creepy, wide smile that rivaled the Joker's. He stood up upon seeing Harley, ready to do whatever his "mother" desired him to do.

"Now listen here birdie, your little friends are tryin' ta run away from the playdate we planned for ya today. Daddy wants you and the others to have fun tonight, so why don't' you go and get you friends back sweetie?" Harley asked in a sickeningly sweet voice.

"Yes, mother." Dick responded in a monotone voice before going after his "friends"

Harley smiled as she watched Dick walk off.

Her "son" was so handsome...


The Joker watched everything from his phone, the screen divided into multiple sections as he watched everything from you and Tim (reluctantly) beating up Dick, Damian and Bruce struggling on the metal tables, trying to resist the serum he had injected into their arms prior to them become conscious, to Harley sending Dick off to finish what he had started.

To bring you and Tim back to the basement to brainwash you.

He'd always wanted a big family to commit crimes with.

You know, without the whole "getting pregnant and waiting nine fu*king months part."

That took waaaaayyyyy too long.

This was much easier to do.

He giggled a bit as he went to check on Batman and Robin, practically skipping on his way over to his two newest victims.

When he reached the metal tables that contained Damian and Bruce, who were still struggling in their restraints. He quickly peeked at them through the curtains, smiling even wider than ever thought possible before walking off, cackling as he went back to staring holes into his phone to watch you and Tim.

He would catch you two soon...

It was only a matter of time...

He walked into another room, his smile never faltering as he entered the room that Jason currently resided in, unmoving on the metal table he was restrained too. The Joker had injected him and Dick with the serum first to see if this whole "brainwashing serum" he had stolen from Lex Luthor would even work. Surprisingly it had, however the bat-brats had lasted longer than he had expected them to before succumbing to their inevitable fates.

Why was it so hard for them to just join him already.

It was probably some sort of "hero" thing...

No matter!

The Joker's smile returned as he went over to the table Jason was currently restrained on. He had been knocked out for at least two hours now. First, Harley had hit him in the head with her mallet and then he had been injected with a brainwashing serum. It almost made the Joker feel bad for the Red Hood.


With a firm grip on the unconscious man's shoulders and a few rough shakes, Jason was indeed awake, but he remained unmoving; the only indication that he was even awake coming from a small groan that he released as he came back to the world of consciousness.

"There we go now, nice and awake!" The Joker chirped, clapping his hands together. "Now my boy, get up, get up! I have a very special job for you to do!"

Jason did as he was told and rose from his position on the table and landed on his feet with a soft thus as his boots made contact with the floor for the first time since being knocked out.

He himself was dressed in a suit that matched the one that Dick wore, the only difference being was that it was tailored to fit him instead of his brother.

"Ahhhhh, very good Johnny!" Joker praised. He had given names to each and every one of his new "family members" as he saw fit.

Red Hood kinda just looked like a "Johnny" to him...

"Now, your father needs you to do something very, very, important for him alright? Good! Now we have two very, very naughty children running around this old drafty Fun House all alone and I need you to bring them right here to me so the I can take care of them. Can you do that for me?"

Jason nodded at the request, the smile painted on his mask the only indication of any real emotion.

"Wonderful!" The Joker shouted "Now, here are your toys, play nice with those two and bring them back alive for me alright?" He asked as he showed Jason his phone, the screen picturing you and Tim in a room halfway across the building, alert and ready to fight at any sign of trouble.

Jason nodded again before walking off to find you both.

The Joker smiled so much that the skin on his lip split a little, causing a droplet of blood to form at his upper lip.

'This day just kept getting better and better!' 


Hi guys, I'm back with part 4! I tried to make this a little longer than I normally would because I kinda feel like I'm making my chapters a little too short lately, so Part 5 is gonna be a little longer as well, so I apologize to those of you eagerly waiting the next part if it takes me a while to write it.

I'll also try to make part 5 the last part of this "Fun House" saga and go on to make some other stuff that I wanna write, including a request I got recently about making the reader a cat!

Anyway, thank you all so much for reading and voting on my stories! It makes me happy that there are people from all over the world reading this! (I checked my stats on this story, and there are quite a few people from other countries that read this).

Also, damn, nearly 10,000 people have read this book! I was not expecting that lol. Thanks for reading everyone and I hope that you enjoy the rest of the book!

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