3| The Nightmare

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Rey's Point Of View:

I sit up in my hammock, my eyes snap open suddenly but I can't expel the images from my mind. Images of a dark masked creature who brought death with his every step. These nightmares have haunted me for the past six years, why can't I have the wonderful dreams I once had? The dreams of a boy with dark hair and onyx eyes, a boy from an island far away. The boy that promised me he would come for me one day. I would have left years ago, but he promised that he would come for me one day, and how could he find me if I was gone?

Everyone laughs at me, they say that he isn't real that I'm so lonely that I had to imagine that I had a friend. But I know he's real, I can't explain it but I feel his presence. Sometimes he would come to me in my daydreams and it was almost as if he was really here with me.

He was the only friend I had, but now he is gone. I still hear his voice whisper "I'll come back sweetheart, I promise." But I never see him anymore, all I see is that masked monster. I am afraid of what has become of him. Is that creature holding him prisoner? Is that why he hasn't come back for me?

I feel as if I've been waiting here for him for a thousand years. Every day I watch the ships coming from far away, hoping that my parents will be aboard one of them, even though I know that they will never come back. I look at the visitors, most of them coming to get new parts for their ships, hoping to see him, but he's never there. It feels as if I die every day when I discover that no one has come for me.

But I won't give up, my parents will come back for me, and if they don't I have to believe that he will.

No matter what I know that I have to stay where I am. I could have taken a ship and left years ago, but if I leave my parents won't know where I am, and I'm afraid that he will never come back.

I swing my legs over the side of my bed, and think back to my nightmare. This was different than most, as I do every night I saw the masked creature; I heard a voice...his voice. But this time I saw him, it was the first time in years. He stood on the edge of a snow covered cliff. The masked creature stood in front of him. They looked at each other for a long moment before the monster reached out and pushed him off of the cliff with a strange, unseen force.

I had found myself on the edge of the cliff next to the man in the mask. I didn't run from him as I usually do, instead I ran to the edge of the cliff and reached out trying to save the boy, but the man in the mask grabbed me and stopped me from saving him. I struggled in his arms but his grasp was like iron and I was forced to watch as the boy hit the ground. I screamed and forced my way free, running to the edge of the cliff. But as I looked down into the abyss, all I saw was his lifeless body on the ground below. I collapsed to the ground, allowing the tears to fall freely from my eyes.

After a moment I had regathered my courage and stood, turning to face the masked man. I peered at him with rage through my tears. I hated him with a passion. I looked in every direction, searching for a weapon, any weapon. My eyes landed on a silver object in the snow. It didn't look like a weapon, but somehow I knew that it was one. I had seen the boy wield it in my dreams. I reached out and willed it into my hand, I don't know how but it flew into my hand, but it was a dream.

I pressed the button on the side of the weapon, and a bright beautiful blue blade ignited from the end of it. I looked at the man in the iron mask, my glare burned into him. He regarded me for a moment, as if he had no interest in fighting me. But I didn't care, he took everything from me. I lunged forward, swinging the laser sword at him.

He stepped back, then pulled his own weapon into his hand. When he ignited it, I was met with the familiar sight of the scarlet blade that blazed as fierce as a wildfire. I could feel him staring at me through his dark visor. I lunged forward again and this time he blocked me with his saber.

My rage grew, and I channeled it, swinging the light weight blade at him harder and faster. My rage grew and so did my strength and he could no longer block me, I felt my blade meet his flesh instead of his blade. He was an animal, a monster and I slayed him like an animal. I slaughtered him like a monster that possessed no heart, but that was what he is.

The dark form of his body slumped into the snow, stained red with his blood. I looked down at the lifeless black form in scarlet snow, and felt no remorse for what I had done. He took my everything, my life, I only returned the favor. As I looked at the bloody form I hoped that he felt as I did, like my heart had been ripped from my chest and thrown to the ground, crushed never to be whole again.

I shudder as the memory of my nightmare returns. It was just a nightmare, I tell myself, he's not really gone... I hope.

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