3. Fasting from Social Media

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Last week at 12:40 am I literally logged out of all social media on my laptop and deleted all social media apps from my phone. I made the most random decision to embark on a five day fast from majority of social media which included: Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Snapchat and Vine.

I was completely fed up of going to bed at stupid o’clock because my Instagram feed was too live. I also hated that the first thing I did when I got home or woke up in the morning was check social media. So much of my time was spent online and in all honesty, I needed a break. I realised that I was prioritising my entertainment over what is important, God and my school work.

Yes I admit, I’m a chronic procrastinator but believe that throughout the whole week of fasting, procrastination was literally non-existent. I finished my work on time, went to bed between 9-11pm everyday and still had more time on my hands to waste. I absolutely loved getting up at 6am feeling good and taking my time to get ready, having breakfast and reading my word for the day. I had time to pray in the morning and the difference it made to the rest of my day was so evident. I was ahead in class, I felt good that I was doing something positive towards my relationship with God, and I was satisfied that everything was in order.

One thing I learned about myself from this is that I always complain about not having time when really I have 24 hours at my fingertips, I can do SO much with that. Social media ate away at my time and I didn’t even know it. Those 10 minute Youtube videos didn’t seem that bad, but then that suggestions bar on the right hand side would become the death of me. I would look at the time and that task I was meant to complete by 6pm gets started at 11pm. Then I ended up going to bed at 1am so tired that I would mumble a half assed 5 second prayer or forgo praying all together.

I’d wake up groggy, tired and late meaning I was rushing to get to school and the last thing on my mind would be to ask God to guide me throughout the day. I was behind at school so I was stressed out and would forget to talk to God or even read a simple bible verse throughout the day. It was an endless cycle so this fast has been a massive breath of fresh air for me.

I can definitely say that my relationship with God had grown stronger with all the bible study and prayer I did in the time I would’ve been flicking through my Instagram feed. I’m pretty chuffed that my first step towards bettering myself was successful. I do plan on doing another fast again soon but for 14 days next time. If 5 days taught me so much, imagine 14?! It’s all about taking baby steps.

Is there something you do every day that you know eats away at your time? Is it really a necessity that you do those things? Don’t be afraid to try and forgo that habit, you will gain something valuable in that spare time. When you have nothing else to do and bible study or talking to God is your only option, you will do it and trust me, once you start, it’s hard to stop.

Have any questions? Any future topics you’d like me to cover? Comment below or message me.

Thanks for reading!

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