Chapter 2~Over the bend, entirely bonkers.

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Another to add to my list of other things I hate. Dancing. I'm a horrible dancer. We always do family dances. I have to dance with my grandma, and random aunties and cousin's. I was dancing with my auntie Opal. She is terrifying. She wears a lot of makeup. And the them eyelashes she be wearing are just disappointment.
I was stepping on her poor tippy toes multiple times. I saw a plane in the sky and thought about those sad plane crashes.
"Aunt Opal, what do think happens when you die?" I asked her. She looked at me.
"Are you smoking dear? That's an over the bend question to ask. Entirely bonkers!" She said all preppy. I rolled my eyes at her. I saw a weird looking bunny pass by.
"Did you see that Aunt Opal?" I could've sworn the bunny had clothes on.
"See what dear?" She looked around.
"It was a bunny with funny looking clothes on...."
"Are you sure you aren't smoking Eliot?" I apologize to Aunt Opal and ran off through a woods of trees. I saw the bunny and again.
"I'm late..." the bunny mumbled. Did it just talk? What do they put in those McDonald's big Macs? I ran after the bunny. I was getting pretty tired..Am I going crazy?

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