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I didn't mean to run out on her, I just couldn't believe she lived in that same apartment the same place that June. I didn't want to say the words. I got into my driver car and we drove around. I'm pretty sure he heard me crying but I was glad he kept his mouth shut. I arrived at my hotel room and I took a deep breathe. I love Loa and I didn't regret us getting engaged. I could never, she was my perfect match.  Sometimes, love isn't enough. Loa was there from the beginning. 

The sun was shining through my window and I stretched my legs before hopping into the shower. I stared at myself in the mirror. I messed with my locket that Loa had given me. Inside of that locket was the most precious memory of someone who I could never hold again.  I gripped the bathroom sink and let out my most gut wrenching cry. I got dressed before I grabbed my sunglasses and my luggage.  I left my hotel room and I saw Hobi, he had a bright smile on his face. I couldn't help but smile back at him. RM, Suga and Jin were waiting in the car.  

The car was waiting for Tae, Jungkook and I guess me and Hobi. I looked back and I saw Loa. I gave her a gentle smile and I lifted the locket to show her I still had it on. I wished I could have run up to her and gave her the biggest hug but I wasn't ready to be questioned by my bandmates. I was not ashamed of her but I knew that RM would want to know everything. Jin would make some corny dad jokes that she wouldn't understand. 

Loa gave up everything to be with me and that's why I love her. She understood this business than most people who doesn't work in the entertainment industry.  She nodded her head and pulled out her phone. Hobi kept pulling me into the car. I got into the car and opened my phone and I saw text messages. It was filled with heart emojis and love yous. One of the message gave me heartbreak. 

"I miss..." 

I felt a tap on my shoulder and RM looked like he wanted to start a fight which I did not want to deal with in the slightest bit. 

"Jimin, we need to talk about yesterday." 

"Not in the mood RM." I spoke and went back to my phone. RM didn't need to be in my business. 



Everyone in the car could feel the tension rising. We got to the airport and still me and Namjoon still didn't talk to each other.  I was sitting on the plane next to Suga. Thank god, I knew that Suga wouldn't be talking unlike JK and Tae. I do like my bandmates, their my brothers but sometimes brothers get on your nerves. Suga would just be sleeping on the plane. 

I leaned my head against the window. After what seemed like forever, we finally touched down. One step out of the plane, fans swarmed us and I tried to say hi to everyone with a simple wave and as soon as we got into the car. I checked my phone another text message from Loa. (TEXT MESSAGES BOLD) 

Jimin, remember we are in this together.

I know. Why didn't take care of her room?

I couldn't do it by myself. Everytime, I stepped foot into the place I felt like I couldn't breathe. 

I'm sorry Loa, I was a bad fiance. You needed me and I left you high and dry. 

It's okay. 

It's not but I will be there for you more than I ever was.  I'm going to be better. 

You have a job that means to tons of your fans and I don't want to be the cause of that. 

Next time, I'm in LA, we can tackle her room. 

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