Easy To Hate

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Ryan went to school with Brendon, he had his hearing aids in.

"I'm going to hang out with Spencer see you later." Brendon singed.

"Okay, I'm going to hang out with Dallon." Ryan signed, Brendon nodded and they went to their sepreat direction.

Ryan walked over to Dallon and his friends and waved at Dallon.

"Hey Ryro." Dallon said, and everyone else turned around to see him.

"H-hi." Ryan squeaked out, suprised by the sound of his own voice.

Ryan heard Dallon's friends laughing. "His voice sounds funny." One of them said, "wait isn't he that werido deaf kid." Another said.

Ryan frowned and looked down. "Leave him alone!" Dallon yelled. "He can't hear us, so we can say whatever we want." One said. "That is not how you treat a human being!" Dallon shouted, pushing one of them. Dallon grabbed Ryan by his wrist and took him inside the building. Ryan couldn't stop himself from blushing, he felt like throwing up or like he had butterflies flying around inside of him and shaking up his heart.

Dallon pulled out his phone and gave it to Ryan.

"Have this to communicate." Dallon said calmly, Ryan nodded.

"I'm sorry about them, okay." Dallon said.

"Is that what people been saying about me?" Ryan showed Dallon the message and Dallon nodded.

"It's not fair for people to talk shit about you when you can't hear them." Dallon said, Ryan nodded.

"We better get to class, what do you have first?" Dallon asked. Ryan pulled out his timetable and showed Dallon. Dallon read through it and smiled.

"You have history? I'm in the same class." Dallon said smiling. Ryan smiled and hugged Dallon, Dallon hugged back.

They walked to class together and sat next to eachother in class. They passed a few notes around and copied down the stuff that's on the bored until the bell rang for second period, in witch Ryan has Geography and Dallon has maths.

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