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Narrator pov;

"I'm Y/n L/n, this is my boyfriend Jack and your watching Disney channel"

" Wait I can't say that I might get sued. Everybody that was a joke!"

"Hey guys welcome to the channel, I'm Y/N's boyfriend as they just said. And I'm excited to be here!" The couple started off the video on discord. They were about to say what was going to happen in  the video when they both heard a familiar noise. Y'know the one where discord does the sound when somebody enters or leaves the call. "Hey guys what are you doing because I have a really important question to ask you?" a frantic Carson asks.

"Uhh, we were going to record a video for my channel, but what is your question my dear friend Carson?" Y/n asks.

"Well, it's for a video and I need to know if you guys consider peanut butter bean sauce?"

"Absolutely, there is no denying the truth." Y/n says as their boyfriend is stuck laughing at the 100% serious situation.

" *distant laughing* I mean I guess but I don't see why you wouldn't call it peanut butter." Jack says while getting back on his chair.

"Alright thanks I'll let you get back to your video"

"Well that was strange. Anyway what we were going to be doing is a meme review type of thing, but we're going to be putting them in a list of good to bad. Also the memes will be from throughout the whole decade."

As the two lovers record their video with no more random questions from carson they laugh and smile remembering the dank memes of the past. They got most of the popular memes but Y/n decided to leave the moth meme out. Like seriously who the hell decided to make fun of a whole population of moths. What did they do to deserve this. I personally didn't like that meme either.

Y/n's pov;

After the video me and Jack decided we wanted to make spaghetti and meatballs for dinner. (If you do not like this just change it, I chose it because your boyfriend is incapable of being a good chef. It is pretty much the easiest thing to make in the world.) After I get out my noodle pot I fill it with water and put it on the stove. "Babe can you get out the sauce and meatballs. By the way that's your job tonight so just stir it every few minutes it'll be fine."

"Fine, even though I've told you I'm very poor to keep in the kitchen I will try my best for you m'lady"

"Thank you. I love you." I say as I put the pot of water on the stove I turn the notch up to 8. In a little bit the water will start to boil and I can put the noodles in. I put a dash of salt in the water so that the noodles won't stick together in the pot. I stir the noodles around after I put them in. Every two minutes I hear a timer go off and I giggle almost everytime it goes off. I can't believe he set a timer for when to stir the sauce and meatballs.

When dinner is done I take out hot pads and set them on the counter I place the pots on top of them. I grab out two plates, two forks, and the parmesan cheese out of the fridge to place on top of the spaghetti. I place it all on the table then call for Jack to come and eat. "Jack dinner is ready and I set the table, come and eat." 

"Coming Y/n. I'll be out there in just a minute"

"Why are you in the bathroom, had to shit again?"

"Yeah, why does it matter?"


"You have to be one of the lamest people I know."

"I'm fine with that"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2020 ⏰

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