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WARNING: There's some gore.

Travis's POV
Sal ran back into the room calling for me. I looked up at him in surprise, maybe he did care for me?

"Travis, you have got to see this."

I was confused, what could possibly be happening? I cautiously made my way to the doorway, clutching my stomach. Right now, my entire body felt like hell. Sal moved out of my way, as I grabbed the door frame and looked out. I felt sick and dizzy, and before I knew it, I doubled over with my hands on my stomach and threw up all over the tile floor. Not like it mattered that there was another stain. My head started spinning and my throat burned.

When I looked out of the door, there were zero doctors or nurses in sight, and a giant blood smear went down the hall and into a side door. There was a body with a patients outfit on leaning against the wall in front of us with its intestines ripped out. There was brain showing, and one of its eyeballs had been thrown onto the hospital floor.

I looked at Sal, and he was shaking quite a bit. There was a scream that came from the end of the hall, it echoed on for a few seconds.

"Okay, is this some sort of sick joke, Sal? If it is, I'll beat your ass."

Sally glared at me, and I could tell he was angry with me, maybe I shouldn't have said that. After all, I am the one trying to make this relationship work.

"What do you think this is? Even if I hated you, which at this moment, I do. I would never play such a twisted prank on someone... ever!"

Ouch, that hurt. I knew I had hurt Sal's feelings... but he.. hated me? Oh god, I'm turning into my father. First I go around calling everyone homophobic slurs, even as a homosexual myself. Then I punch Sal? And I've now turned away the only person that 'cared' about me. I wonder if my dad's gay, I mean, we are basically the same person. Which is. . . a bad thing...

Sal frantically looked around, slurring his words together. "We- we gotta get out of here! I- I mean, my dad a, and Larry! Todd, Ash, I need to know they're okay!"

I looked to my left and saw a stairwell. Maybe we could go down there? Only one thing, there was a doctor sitting on the ground, and he was leaning against the wall next to the stair well. He looked dead, but there was no blood on him, and no way of telling if he actually was or not. Despite my anxiety, I grabbed Sal's shoulder and turned him to look in that direction.

"Sal, look. Maybe we could head down those stairs-."

Sal pulled onto my arm, and started to drag me across towards the stairs. I was in immense pain, but still managed to choke out some words.

"Sal, wait- there's a person- o',Sal!"

We made our way to the stairs in just 10 seconds, and at the point Sal was having a panic attack. Sal was already afraid of hospitals from his accident, and this was not helping in the slightest. He frantically looked around and started sobbing and gasping for air.

I sat Sal down, and made him do some breathing exercises to calm him.

"Okay, calm down. We'll get through this, just.. take a deep breath in and out."

Even I myself was freaking out, but I didn't let it show. Why worry Sal even more? He's heard enough of my problems. Sal followed my directions as best as he could, and he only slightly calmed down afterwards.

"Travis, how did you learn that..?"

"Well, after my dad. . . you know. . I'd always have panic attacks, and I used that method to calm me down."

I stood up, and helped Sal as well. He reached for the door, as I anxiously watched him. I sighed in relief as he reached for the handle and was opening the door. My breath hitched as he opened it and it made a loud locking noise.

"It's jammed." Sal turned to me, desperation in his eyes.

I let out a loud sound of annoyance, as I was already tired of moving around for 10 minutes. Would we have to find another way? There might be a stairwell on the other side, but that's where the blood is, and I realllly, emphasis on 'really', did not want to go over there.

I decided to tell Sal about it anyway. I had basically promised him we'd get out of here alive- or- at least, Sal would.

"Sal, maybe we could head to the other side of the ha-"

I felt myself being pulled backwards, as the back of my head hit the tile. The breath was knocked out of me, and I could already feel a geyser of blood spewing out my head. Once my ears stopped ringing I could make out Sal's voice.

"-vis! Travis! Are you okay..? Oh god, what is happening?!"

I twisted around to see what pulled me onto the floor, and screamed in horror. The doctor from before had his hands wrapped around my neck, and his mouth was abnormally large and open, like his jaw was unhinged. He stared at me with white eyes and no pupils, as I tried to fight him off.

Despite me being in the hospital, I wasn't that weak. I mean, everything hurt like a bitch, but I had some adrenaline, and I hoped it'd keep me from being eaten alive. I tried to pry his hands off my neck, while struggling to breathe. Sal stood there, panicking as he tried to open the door. I heard a bang, as the door opened and slammed against the wall behind it.

"T-Travis..! Let's go the, the door is opened now!"

     I finally was able to release myself from the doctors grip, and scrambled to get up.  Sal was waiting for me, and was already heading out the doorI felt myself being flung backwards, as the 'doctor' took my flesh in his mouth and bit down.  I yelled in agony, as I heard a crunch, and felt skin being ripped off my collarbone.

Uh stinky, school started again and I literally cried bc I don't wanna go.  Uh I feel like this chapter is terrible I'm really sorry, I just am never motivated but I try to get chapters out because I feel bad.  Right now I'm  just counting the days till spring break, even if it's months away.  I'm so tired all the time it's unbelievable. I already know I'm not going to do well in school the rest of the year so wish me good luck.  Cya lovelies,

     Sincerely, Le epic author. 💕

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