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Mia Kobayashi is a 15 year old girl how got accepted into the hero course in the most difficult school to get in, U.A. She went to middle with Uraraka Ochako and her friend knows her disorder.

Mia was diagnosed with Communication Disorder. They found out when she was born that she was diagnosed with with it. Ochako felt bad when her friend Mia told her. And Ochako thought when she first met her if she was shy or mute.

In a way she was both. Mia had a hard time trying her best to talk out loud but it never worked. She says what she wants to say perfect in her head, and wishes to say it out loud for people to hear.

Unfortunately she was stuck using a notebook and pencil to speak to people. Her parents know how much their daughter is suffering, so they try and comfort her the best way possible. And Mia appreciates the love and support from the people around her.

Going back to the letter she got from U.A, it announced that she passed and is going into the hero course. Her parents were so proud of her for making it this far.

After Mia got the news, she texted Ochako about making it to U.A in the hero course. Ochako congratulated her and told her that she got the same thing. Mia's eyes gleamed as she ran downstairs and showed her parents the text between her and her friend. They were happy that her friend made and could walk to school together again since they did it in middle school.

Little did Mia know what her future would be like.

The Girl Who Has Communication Disorder (Shinso x OC) (✖️)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt