"Yes?" he asked softly. I swallowed hard and cast my eyes down to the ground.

"I brought these for the prince to review for his feedback," I replied.

"Come in, you can put them on his desk," the man said as he stepped aside. I walked into the room and over to Piers' desk, quickly setting the splotches down. "Allow me to introduce myself. I am Lysander Smythe, the prince's personal secretary."

As I looked up at him, I realized that I had seen him before. He was the man that Maureen had spoken of at the ball, the one who had banished his first wife.

"Adelaide," I replied, giving a short curtsy.

"I am very pleased to meet the girl who has stolen the prince's heart," Lysander replied as he took my hand and pressed it against his lips. I fought the urge to jerk my hand from his, to find a place to wash him off me. "I have not seen you around the castle much since you arrived here."

"I have been very busy preparing for my public welcome," I replied, my heart racing as he still held my hand delicately in his.

He arched an eyebrow slightly. "Oh, is that so? And who is the lucky man who has been chosen to tutor you?"

"Miss. Dolloway," I told him, watching with pleasure as a look of shock ran across his face. "She was trusted to be Piers' tutor when he was a child and now she has been trusted to be my tutor."

"I see," he mused, pressing his lips together.

Behind us, I heard the door to the office open. "I have the papers on the-," Piers' voice started as he entered the room. He cut off abruptly as he noticed us. Lysander quickly dropped my hand and took a step back. "What is happening in here?"

"I was just getting to know your future wife and our future queen," Lysander informed him. I cast my eyes to the floor as Piers stood next to me.

"And that involves holding her hand?" Piers asked bitterly.

"It was a simple greeting that you were not privy to witness," Lysander informed him.

"What were you doing in my office, Adelaide?" Piers asked, turning towards me. I swallowed hard, raising my chin.

"I brought color splotches. The queen would like to know what color flowers we would like to match the maroon and gold of the wedding," I replied, not looking at him or at Lysander, but instead keeping my eyes on a spot on the wall above Lysander's shoulder.

"And have you done so?"


"Have you brought the color splotches?"


"Then you are free to leave," he said as he brushed past Lysander and me to his desk.

I took a deep breath before I turned and crossed the room to the door.

"Good day, Adelaide. It was a pleasure to make your acquaintance," Lysander said as I opened the door. I paused before I turned the handle and left without saying a word.

I took my dinner in my room with Piers' permission and asked Eleanor to stay with me. I paced back and forth, not touching the food while holding the list of what had been accomplished that day from Miriam. I couldn't eat. I couldn't sit still. I didn't know what progress Piers had made with the king's new law, but I knew I couldn't sit back and wait.

I tossed the paper from Miriam onto the desk and picked up my notebook, tapping the pencil against my lips as I still walked back and forth. I could feel Eleanor watching me, but I had no explanation to give her. What was happening did not concern her nor did I want to put her into a position where she could be punished. It was not worth it.

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