Part 11: Northuldra's People

Start from the beginning

"I didn't buy it. I made it. W I T H   M Y   O W N   2   H A N D S"

The Lieutenant full on believed him

"Isn't it going to melt?"

"Nope! My ice melts when I want it too, and that ring will melt in... Never"

"Your telling me more about this later" The lieutenant gave back the box to Jack

"Later not now" the Spirit smiled at him


*Scene Change, Kristoff and Ryder"

"So can you help me?" Kristoff asked

"Well your Just in Luck! I know nothing about woman, BUT, I do know our best way in the village of proposal" he told him in the most honest way possible

"Follow me"

and so with that the 2 boys ran off into the forest by a few steps the fog covered up there tracks


*Scene Change, Elsa and HoneyMarren*

"So about Jack, Tell me more about him! You Guys look SO Cute! PLEASE!" Honeymarren insisted

Elsa was rambling on to honeymarren about what was going on and what are we going to do with the situation, how to free the forest...

and then randomly the conversation drifted to Elsa's dating life

The Ice Queen was actually a bit embarrassed, she never knew people love them being together so much.

"W-well umm... I met Jack when I was about to be crowned queen and I didnt know how to control my powers... And uhh we started dating 6 years ago. He's really sweet and loving and so much Fun, He's really overprotective of me, but I don't mind, Jack also gets Extremely Jealous when I talk other guys he doesn't know. And I find that so adorable, and I just feel so safe and so right around him... I loves his eyes and his hair, I love the way he makes me feel special and he thinks i'm the most important thing in this world"

This made honeymerren squeal and clap her hands together, it's only been a few hours and they loved them.


"E-Excuse Me? J-Jelsa?" Elsa asked confused 

"Oh sorry, a thing I made up a few hours ago, its Jack + Elsa, you know... Making Jelsa

"O-Oh, umm... Wow..."

Elsa face was now Scarlet Red from blushing

God this was embarrassing for her

"Anway... Umm is Jack's last name really frost?" Honeymarren asked returning to the conversation

"Yes his last name really is frost, well... Depends actually, before Jack became a spirit he was actually human, his Name was Jackson Overland back then, but when he died he became Jack Frost."

"You guys seem perfect for each other"

"Heck. You guys are probably the best couple here"

Elsa smiled and giggled

"Thank you"

They both started to laugh with each other, this girl to girl friendship was working out really well





Something crashed into the distance,

it was like somebody or something landed their foot heavily on the ground

Everybody in the village shot there head in that direction


"Earth Giants" Yelena whispered under her breath

"EVERYBODY HIDE" She shouted 

All the villagers did so without hesitation

hiding anywhere or anything they could be out of sight

Jack carried himself and the Lieutenant by flying up a tree branches

Anna and Elsa hid behind a tree

while the others hid anywhere they could



The Footsteps got louder and louder

Elsa peaked her head through the side

at least to see what they were dealing with

only to see...




The Earth Spirit Has Woken



Elsa: Jack, not your song!

Jack: Aww that song is so catchy! You really gotta ruin my karaoke session snowflake?

Writer: Next Chapter! But your not singing it! Kristoff is!

Jack: FINE!

Writer: Anyway thank you guys for reading the chapter, were already at 1.4k Viewers! Thats Pretty insane, anway I have school tmmrw, which sucks but I'm going to disneyland on friday! heck yeah!

Elsa: He's gonna take pictures of a fake me in a fake arendelle in disneyland

Jack: At least you have a disneyland!

Jack: You don't see me with a dreamworks land!

Writer: TRUE

Elsa: Very good point for that frosty brain of yours

Writer: Anyway that's all! Hope you enjoyed the Chapter!

Everyone: And Believe It Or Not Your A Guardian Too!

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