"Can we please talk about something else?" She finally begged and Finn gave her a sideways glance before changing the subject of his and Clarke's conversation, "I've been thinking about Mount Weather."

'Thank the stars.' Reese mouthed to herself happily, "What about it?"

"How come they didn't attack until Jasper crossed the river?" He asked, "It's not like we were being quiet and they didn't know we were there."

"That's true." Reese nodded and Clarke stared at the two for a moment in confusion before realisation struck her.

"They waited for us to cross." She exclaimed, staring at Finn, "The river's a boundary."

"Yeah, which means Mount Weather is off limits." Finn trailed off, looking slightly fearful.

"To us or to the Grounders?" Reese asked them, her question being ignored by Clarke who scoffed, "How are we gonna get those supplies? I mean, what are we gonna do for food?"


Murphy was becoming increasingly irritated, something that Reese had quickly discovered didn't take much doing.

"Hey." He called after Finn, "How do we know this is the right way?"

"We don't." Bellamy answered before Finn had a chance to before his tone turned rather mocking, "Spacewalker thinks he's a tracker."

"Will you stop being an asshole for, like, five seconds?" Reese asked her friend who didn't look at her.

"It's called 'cutting sign', fourth-year Earth Skills." Wells responded, defending the tracker and the Ark class, "He's good."

"You want to keep it down or should I paint a target on your backs?" Finn asked, sending the four who had spoken an annoyed look before he turned back to the tree he had been looking at, taking note of the broken branches and the blood splatters that were covering the rocks.

"You're invisible." Reese just heard Bellamy say to Wells as she crouched beside Finn and glanced around for any sign of more blood which they could follow.

Just as Reese nudged Finn and directed his attention to a bush that someone had clearly fallen into, a loud cry echoed and the woman's head snapped up, glancing around for a way to decipher which direction it had come from.

"What the hell was that?" Murphy questioned.

"I'm guessing Jasper." Reese murmured

Clarke then spoke, her words aimed at Bellamy, "Now would be a good time to take out that gun."

The group split and Reese found herself walking in step with Murphy, the two silent as they jogged through the trees, jutting left and right when they found that the cries of pain were louder in one direction and not the other when finally, they stepped into a clearing where a large tree grew in the centre and at the very top, positioned on a thick branch with his hands tied to two separate tree limbs was–

"Jasper." Clarke breathed out in shock and relief as she and Finn broke through the treeline a few short feet from where Reese and Murphy had frozen in shock and horror, "Oh, my God."

"Clarke, be careful." Finn hissed at the blonde when she rushed out from the cover of the treeline.


"What the hell is this?" Reese and Bellamy asked in unison, following after the determined blonde who had let out a panicked scream as she disappeared from sight and Bellamy dove forward, grasping her wrist before she could drop further.

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