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Reese's favourite thing about Earth was the silence

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Reese's favourite thing about Earth was the silence.

There were no engines whirring wherever you went or the sound of clanking objects, there wasn't a guard or someone from the Council at every corner with their lectures on the law at the ready or watching your every move. There were no hysterical screams of a mother, father, friend, or child, as they watched their loved one about to be floated and there weren't prisoners yelling at the top of their lungs in order to provoke the guards monitoring the Skybox.

Silence had quickly become Reese's favourite thing and as the six delinquents moved through the forest, their footfalls and awe-filled gasps were the only noises that could be heard.

As she walked closely behind Monty and Jasper, the twenty-one year old narrowed her eyes at Finn as he tucked a purple flower behind Octavia's ear, causing her to smile brightly at him and Jasper to point at them.

"Now, that, my friend, is game." He told Monty rather pointedly.

"That, my friend." Monty mocked his friend's tone, "Is poison sumac."

"What?" Octavia exclaimed as she quickly swatted the flower out of her hair and kicking it away from her, "It is?"

Reese chuckled as she passed Monty and Jasper and slowed her steps as she caught up with Octavia who still looked rather freaked out.

"The flowers aren't poisonous." Monty reassured with a soft chuckle, "They're medicinal, calming, actually."

"His family grows all the pharmaceuticals on The Ark," Jasper explained as she caught sight of Finn and Octavia's confused looks as the watched Monty pop a petal into his mouth and Reese shrugged before she plucked one of the flowers from a nearby bush and placed one of the petals into her mouth, like Monty had and she immediately regretted it, spitting the awful tasting flower out.

Octavia burst out laughing at the look of disgust that was evident on her best friends face and Reese shoved her lightly with a grin as she tossed the rest of the flower onto the ground just as Clarke turned around and looked at them in frustration.

"Hey, guys, would you try to keep up?" She asked exasperatedly.

The twenty-one year old noted that Clarke was still as bossy as she was the last time she'd seen her.

"Come on, Clarke." Finn called out to the blonde, "How do you block all this out?"

"It's beautiful," Reese commented as the five stopped feet away from the girl.

"Well, it's simple. I wonder, why haven't we seen any animals? Maybe it's because there are none. Maybe we've already been exposed to enough radiation to kill us." The blonde ranted, annoyance lacing her tone, "Sure is pretty, though. Come on."

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