virat kohli

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Ahana - hello lovely people ! Welcome the brand new show and this is for all cricket lover who love and support their team everytime and encourage them to do more. So welcome to "interview with Ict stars" and here I am your loving anchor of the show. So today we are gonna take our first interview itself of current cricket team's superstar and captain of Indian cricket team none other then "virat kohli " . Today we will gonna ask him about many things which you didn't know so if you want to know more about him then come with me.

"Saying this ahana enter inside a hotel and goes upstairs where all setup is.

Hello virat - she greet virat who was sitting there stand up and greet her back hugging.

Welcome to show virat - ahana said.

Thank you mam! I am honoured - virat said jokingly.

virat kohli ! A name, a brand , a most popular sports person of this nation, world 's best cricketer and now slowly slowly  moving toward best captain title too ! All people know virat kohli but actual me virat ek captain, ek cricketer ke alawa kya hai, kaisa hai koi nahi janta to aaj hum usi virat se sabko rubaru Karwayenge - ahana spoke while virat was just smiling.

Well me na irritate ho jata hu jab log mujhe ye celebrity wali feeling dete hai, I am human too, I just love being myself outside field - virat said making face.

Ahana- haha well yes it's quite irritating, people are interfering into your personal space and all. So I will today not gonna talk about " THE VIRAT KOHLI " but we want to know how's virat outside field. How cricket become your passion? How you prepare yourself for match. How you are at home.

Virat - I am glad because I am tired of repeating same question answer.

Ahana -  so virat what you do at home when you are not playing?

Virat - home is best place to make yourself stress free. Jab me ghar pe hota hu to bahut simple routine hota mera. Spend time with family, play with aarav, most important I become too lazy when I am at home. I didn't move from one place. I just sit for hours and so annoying fir others that is. As much energy I show on field it's totally opposite at home

Ahana - how you look your life before an cricketer and after becoming a cricketer? Is their any change ?

Virat - alot! It's completely change now. Something in good terms and something bad. Like now I can't able to go anywhere alone or can't able to go on a normal walking without recognition. So it's a hard point.

Ahana - hehe! It happen with all celebrities and you know more interesting thing people go curious on your personal life more then your Proffesion.

Ahana - virat i know in your younger age you were very close to your father and he was your biggest supporter too.

Virat - yes totally! He was my biggest supporter but my biggest critisizer too. He always honest with my cricket skills . If he didn't like or I do some mistake he would love to tell me rather me hiding it. So that I can improve more.

Ahana - as all know what happen with you when you lost your father. But I want to know what was there in your mind after you lost him? How you overcome from it. It's not that easy to accept that person whom you loved the most is now no more with you?

Virat - there is only one thing in my mind and my heart that i have to complete his dream. I have to become a international player, a number one player of world. That's what I think after he passed away to live his dream and I never thought or feel like that he is not with me. I always think that he is with me ans he is happy to seeing me reaching on what he want.

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