Chapter 8: Rescued from Jackbots

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Jamie ran as fast as she could down the hill, trying to hold back tears. She made it to the bottom where around her were jagged mountains and a rocky ground. She didn't stop until she saw Jackbots surround her, making her grimace.

"You have got to be kidding me," she glowered.

They summoned their weapons, thinking she was the enemy. She positioned herself in defense and they charged. For a minute, Jamie was winning until one of them slashed her arm pretty bad, making her scream. Then they were about to do some major damage until a huge mouth clamped on one of the Jackbots' heads. The others and Jamie looked to see Chase, thrashing around with the bot still in his mouth until the bottom half was thrown far away. Chase then spat the top half out of his mouth and growled at the bots.

"Get away from her!" he snarled.

They then attacked him and he fought them off while Jamie held her arm in pain and watched. She winced every time Chase got clawed and he roared in pain. But he continued until the rest retreated and Chase panted hard as he held his right side, which was the worst injury. He then fell to his knees with his head bowed as Jamie looked at him.

She then turned behind her to see an opening to a clearing, which lead home. She thought about making a run for it, but then she looked back at Chase, remembering that he just saved her life. She then got up, went up to him, and held out her hand.

"Chase," she called, making him look at her, then she said, "I need you to stand."

He nodded and took her hand. She helped him up and put one of his arms around herself to support him and they went back to his lair.

Once there, Jamie set him on his throne then went to get a bowl, rag, and ace bandage. She filled the bowl with hot water and went back to Chase. She put the rag in, rang it out, and slowly approached Chase. Omi, Kimiko, Clay, and Raimundo (in their human forms) noticed what was going on and watched cautiously.

"Okay, you're going to have to be still for me. It might sting, but still," Jamie told him.

He just grunted as he turned away. She gently put the rag on the wound and in response, Chase winced angrily.

"I tried to warn you," Jamie pointed out.

"That doesn't change that it hurts or it's because you ran away," Chase growled.

She sighed and said, "Look, I know that it hurts. You're not the only injured one here. And I'm sorry for running away, even though you scared me for just being in a room that I'm not allowed in for no reason. But you know what? I would appreciate it if you didn't complain every time something isn't done your way or a way you don't like. Now just suck it up and let me help you."

Chase looked at her, slightly taken back by what she said; as were the others. Chase then narrowed his eyes, placed his chin in his left hand while resting his elbow on the arm of the chair, and moved his right arm for her to clean the wound. She did so without a word from anyone then she got him to stand up and wrapped his stomach up in the ace bandage.

Once done, he sat back down and she started toward the stairs for her room until she stopped and looked back at him.

"Thank you for saving me," she said.

He looked at her with a slight smile and returned, "You're welcome."

She smiled and went back to her room. The others smiled at that.

"Is it just me or could she be the one to break the spell?" Raimundo asked.

"It's not just you," Clay answered.

"What are you talking about?" Chase said.

"Jamie. It seems that you and her are growing fond of each other," Omi replied.

"I don't think so. She must think I'm a monster while she's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen," Chase pointed out.

"Well, that's not what I see. Did you notice that despite both of you being injured that she helped you first? She does care; it's just buried under what she has seen from you. Show her that you care too," Kimiko explained.

Chase looked in the direction she went in as the others left. Then he started to go to her room as he thought about what the others said.


A/N Well, Chase risked his life for Jamie. Is he really thinking about changing his ways for her?

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