Chapter16: You can't die!

Start from the beginning

I recognized the voice, and I threw my arms around him.

"Chase,Are you alright?"

I moved my hands all over his abdomen, insanely.

"What happened to you?" Chase asked.

I looked at him, and he stared back confused.

"You were bleeding... Gabriella tricked me... Adrian! Where's Adrian?" I mumbled.

My words weren't making sense to Chase at all. He helped me to stand up. There was no blood on his shirt, and he appeared perfectly fine to me. I was shocked to see that everything was gone. There was no cottage there but a row of big lush green trees. This was too much to believe. My eyes were betraying me. I had felt the warmth of blood under my fingertips. My nostrils were still filled with the faint rusty copper smell. I could taste my own blood in my mouth.

"Relax! Take a deep breath and then tell me what happened?"

"What do you mean by what happened? You were hurt..."

"You were following me, and then I heard your scream. When I turned around, you fell on the ground and fainted." Chase explained to me.

I touched the buttons of his shirt and he smiled.

"I'm not hurt. Don't worry about me. Get up; we'll come back here some other day."

"No, I want to know...."

He placed his arm around me, and started walking back towards his car.

"You were right. I must be assuming things about Adrian. I'm just jealous of him..."

I remained quiet as I was sure that nobody knew about Adrian's romantic interest in me.

Chase understood my silence.

"I know you, Lily. We have grown up together. I understand the way you look at him now... It's the same way; you used to look at me..." He broke off in the middle of the sentence.

"What about James Wilson?" I asked to change the topic.

"Sorry?" Chase frowned.

"James Wilson, Adrian's look alike psychopath?" I prompted.

"What are you talking about?" Chase shrugged.

"Why have you brought me here then?" I asked crossly.

"I saw Adrian driving into this forest few days ago. He buried something next to that large oak tree where you fainted. I wanted to find out about it."

I stared at him in disbelief.


"But now I think, I was just assuming things about him. There's something suspicious about Adrian that forces me to think negative about him. But when I checked the same place, there was nothing buried there."

"You aren't making sense to me."

I was so confused, that it became so hard to differentiate my reality from illusion. I had seen Chase dying. I had felt the pain of stabbing my own self. It was too real; I could verify that event by my own five senses.

Chase sighed," I tried dating Sabrina to make you Jealous. I wanted you to realize that we can't stay just friends. I wanted you to realize that breaking up with me was a big mistake. But you moved on in few months."

"We had so many unresolved issues between us, then. It was good for both of us to break up."

Chase started the engine.

"Can't we get back together?"

"Please drive us out of this forest."

He nodded," I just want you to know that I regret breaking up with you. And I miss you."

"So do I! But it's over now. I don't feel the same about you like I used to."

That was enough to keep Chase quiet for rest of the drive. He dropped me home, and drove away without even saying good bye.

When I reached my room, there was a small paper pasted on the back of my door.

"I had to save your life at any cost. I'm sorry


The words didn't make any sense till I picked up Marie's call. It was Marie's mother. The phone slipped from my hand as soon as the news reached my ears. Tears started falling from my eyes at once. I couldn't believe what I just heard and I had to repeat it to make it sound real.

"MARIE CAN'T DIE!" I sobbed loudly.

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