The Worst Death

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(Y/n) was just sitting there thinking, and then she thought; what if someone was buried alive? The suffocating, unable to move or crawl out... but that's not the worst death. Yes, it's scary, but no. It's not the worst.

What death could amount up to being alone, mor importantly knowing that your alone, yet you can feel someone there. Staring you down, it's dark, cold, you feel exposed. And then passing away in your sleep right then and there. Who knows that you're gone? Who will find you? Who would it effect? It's scary...

What, with that knowledge, what does one do? (Y/n) got down from the branch and continued walking. That wasnt a very welcoming tree.

(Y/n) came across a large stone, and sat there, looking around the grass and flowers. A single skull sitting in the middle of the patch of grass.

It looks so peaceful though; it must have been so painful for loved ones. Is that why it's so scary? Unknown where they are now, seemingly blissfull in their slumber yet bringing a blanket of negativity over those closests to them?

It's scary how much it resembles a rose. Typically roses are given to those in love, but thorns grow on roses, and thorns are hurtful.

(Y/n) questions herself. If death is a rose, yet it would make more sense if death gave roses. Giving them bliss, but hurting them when they do? That's sad.

It's scary.

Scare Yourself Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora