Skits #1

55 6 61

I added; Candygirlll098896 keyinhakurie Deofelkin Kennymcor & HurricaneTheShipper

Sakura: okay, what does Y.E.S spell?
Maya: Yes
Sakura: What does E.Y.E.S spell?
Maya: Yes
Sakura: *laughing* What does E.Y.E.S spell??
Maya: E-Yes!
Sakura: *dying of laughter*
-Rose, Keyin, Thomas, Jean, and Lotus walks over to us-
Lotus: What is happening...?
Sakura: What does Y.E.S spell?
Maya: yes..?
Sakura: What does E.Y.E.S spell? XD
Maya: E-YES!
Sakura, Rose, Keyin, Thomas, Jean, and Lotus: *dying of laughter*
Maya: what are you crying for...? XD
Rose: What does- *can't finish the sentence because she was laughing so hard* XD
Maya: what are you doing..?
Keyin: Okay, try again. What does Y.E.S spell?
Maya: ....yes...?
Keyin: What does E.Y.E.S spell?? XD
Maya: ....Eees?
Jean: *ends up falling on the floor because of the laughter* XD
Maya: A-Yes??
Maya: E.Y.E.S! E-YES!! XD
Thomas: Say it again! What does E.Y.E.S spell? *dying of laughter*
Maya: *thinking* ....yes?
Sakura: XD
Maya: What?
Everyone else: *keeps laughing*
Maya: you're making me cry, what..?
Lotus: E.Y.E.S!
Maya: E......y.....e... *realizes* Eyes...
Everyone: XDDDD

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