Chapter 1

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"Are you lonely?" Says this mysterious looking boy whose scruffy sweatshirt says "I love you" paired with classic Chuck Taylor's.
"I'm fine, thank you."
"So why the sulky face, sweet boy?"
He tried to ask me politely, but ended up failing.
"Excuse me?" I frowned at his remark.
"You know, the face that describes 'my parents just hit me with a thunderbolt' face."
"I can't explain it to you." Well literally I can't because I just met this person, and who is this guy anyways?
"Well in that case, is it ok if I keep you company? Is this seat taken?"
I was surprised on how his approach went. Most cases would be like the person leaving me hanging on my chair. So I asked him primly.
"Do you think it's taken?" I was expecting him to say yes.
I was surprised how quick he responded.


I don't usually go for the Asians, but this one, this one made my heart spark.
"Are you new or something? This is my first time seeing you around here." I tried not to sound offensive.
"I've been here since grade 2."
I've been here since grade 2, how couldn't I have not noticed this? This is absurd! Such precious piece of specimen wandering around this pigsty school, and I haven't noticed him leaving sparkles?
"Me too!"
"Really? I haven't seen you though. I was going to ask you if you were the new student, but turns out we've been in the same class the whole time! Wait, are you in class 12 of Stella or Tera? I'm in class Stella by the way."
How couldn't I noticed this boy? How did I miss the chance to take a glimpse?
"Stella. I'm in class 12 of Stella." I blushed so hard! I became like a tomato my grandmother harvests.
"No way! That's great! Hmm, seems weird though, we haven't taken the time to communicate to each other."
I just want to hug this boy.
"By the way, I'm not trying to offend you or be a creep feting or something, but what part of Asia are you, sweet boy?"
I could see him blush, now we're both tomatoes! How splendid!
"Excuse me?" He bursts out laughing "I'm from the Philippines, and please don't ask me if I know Tagalog, because I do, English is my language outside of the house and Tagalog is my language inside."
"I see. Well I haven't properly introduced myself haven't I?"
"You have not—but,"
"Oliver Yuletide Taylor." I couldn't wait to blurt out my name, I was excited to know his, there is no way I could've heard his last name in class.
"Edward Heartlock."
"I thought you're Filipino?"
"That's nice to know!"
"So, Yuletide, that's a cute second name."
I could see myself blushing, again.
"Well I was born on Christmas eve."
"Happy Birthday then! Do you want to have my juice box?"
I didn't even realize that it was the 24th of Decemeber. I yanked the juice box, I couldn't miss the opportunity!
"Whoah there!"


This man straight-out yanked the juice box off my hand, I almost froze!
"Whoopsie Daisy! I just got excited." He was happy, I was happy, this moment is happy.


He invited me to go to class with him. People staring, staring, until it was the only thing I could think of.
"Don't mind them, Edward. People tend to be judgy around new things."
"I'm trying not to, thanks."

We got to class, and thank to this guy, Yuletide, we weren't late. Just in time for math class, sweet schnitzels I hate math. I target my seat and there I went, without looking back at Yuletide. I hover over to Brie.
"Math sucks, like really! Do we even need this quadratic equation when we go to 7-11?"
"Sucks I know, but have you heard about this kid on tumblr posting cat videos? I'm in love!"
Brie has been my best-friend since grade 7, we met at Physics class. I was frowning at equations, she was sleeping.
"I love cats!" I have cat named "Pusah" pusa is cat in Tagalog—my sister and I rescued her from the shelter, her background was with a drunkard feeding her cat food and glass shards; how cruel! "Pusah's doing fine! I saw her eating my sister's pizza the other day without telling her so."
"Now that's our Pusah!"
"Settle down students, I hath arrived!"
I don't like how our math teacher uses the most absurd words and it's not appropriate in this era! It's 2009 for christ's sake!
Everyone stands up and greets the teacher with grace and royalty.
"Good Morning Mr. Tanner!"
"Good Morning class! Now please sit down. Today we're continuing our lesson with quadratic equation, yay!"
"Great." I sighed. Great.

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