Fast and Furious: Hobbs and Shaw (Deackard Shaw)

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❤️Valentines Day Special❤️

"Mom! Can I go over to the Shaws house?" Little thirteen year old (y/n) called out to her mother from the front door,

"Yes, but be back for dinner, your father is taking us out for Valentines Day." Her voice rang back, the young girl cheered taking off through the front door and down the street to her best friends house. (Y/n ran up to their door and knocked, Miss Magdalene opened the door, a smile forming once she realized who it was.

"Hello Miss Magdalene, is Deckard, Owen, and Hattie home?" The woman smiled happily down at her,

"They are, in fact I was about to call your mother to see if you could come and play, because Deckard has been bugging me all morning about you and-"

"Mother!" A shout came from behind Miss Magdalene followed by a rush of foot steps coming towards the front door, the women giggled and stepped to the side revealing a blushing Deckard. "Hello (y/n)." He said, hazel eyes bright with excitement. (Y/n) blushed averting her eyes away form his before they got suck there.

"Hi." Deckard quickly grabbed her wrist and pulled her inside, dragging her behind as he ran through the house finding his siblings to play outside. Once they were all out there, they took turns choosing games, Owen chose Hide-and-Seek as the first game. Covering his eyes he started counting and the other three scattered, Hattie hid in their old treehouse and Deckard ran into the house leaving (y/n) the only one left standing there. She decided on hiding in the house like Deckard and ran for it, upstairs she paused in the hallway for a second.

"Ready or not here I come!" Panicking, she definitely was not ready and ran into the closest room, looking around for anything she could hide in she spotted a closet in the corner. Quickly opening the door she gasped, Deckard standing there frightened her, she was about to go look for another spot when she heard Owen coming up the stairs, sounding like an angry ogre, when a hand grabbed her arm swiftly pulling her into a warm chest. (Y/n) tried to pull away not waiting to make him uncomfortable, but his arms only tightened, he's so strong she thought before shaking her head trying to rid it from her brain.

"Shhhh." Deckard hushed her movements right as a shadow walked by the door, obeying his wishes (y/n) buried her head into his warm chest. She couldn't help the blush that had taken over her entire face within seconds, while the boy she was basically laying on was more then greatful it was dark as he felt the temperature of his face rise to a unimaginable height. Was this a good time? He pondered before clearing his throat,

"(Y/n)?" Said girl gave a sighish-hum in response to his whisper, "I-I wanted to ask if you would like to b-" The closet door flung open with a cheer, Owen had found you. Deckard sighed as you stepped away, exiting the closet with him following. Hattie was sitting on what (y/n) recognized as Deckards bed, so that would mean it was his closet she had ran to.

"My turn to pick!" The energetic Shaw girl cheered, bouncing onto her brothers perfectly made bed, knowing it would irritate him. Sure enough the boy gave a huff in announce, "Let's play, Truth-or-Dare!" Owen snickered quietly before finding his spot on the floor by the bed, Deckard briskly retrieved a soft pillow from his bed and placed it on the floor for (y/n) to sit on. She thanked him and sat down next to Owen and across from Hattie, "Okay Deckard, Truth or Dare?" She asked her brother with an eery smile.

"Truth." She looked a little disappointed but still appeared to have something up her sleeve,

"Is it true that you still sleep with that stuffed bunny (y/n) got your for your eighth birthday?" Deckard face slightly flushed as he looked towards the floor thinking about the little blue bunny sitting behind the pillows on his bed right now,

"Yeah." He murmured embarrassed, while Owen whaled in laughter. Deckard looked at his brother with revenge, "Owen, Truth or Dare?"

"Dare." He stated almost immediately regretting it,

"I dare you to call, (Pick a name) and ask (him/her) on a date, right now." Owen wined as he pulled out his phone, he called the number gulping when they answered. The conversation was very awkward, apparently Owen can't hold a conversation with people he likes, it was hilarious!

"Thank god that's over." Owen sighed after hanging up with a successful date planned for the weekend, "(y/n), Truth or Dare?" Said girl thought about it, she decided one dare wouldn't hurt.

"Dare." She spoke with false bravery trying to impress, wait... who was she trying to impress.

"I dare you to kiss my brother." Owen said smirking when he saw two blushes bloom brightly, (y/n) was speechless, she looked over and saw bright hazel eyes staring back. Slowly scooting over and leaning over, she placed a shy kiss to the corner of his mouth. Swiftly making her way back to her seat, (y/n) playfully glared at Hattie.

"Truth." She announced before being asked, (y/n) smirked.

"Is it true that it was you, I saw kissing (Pick a name) in the hallway at school two weeks ago?" Owen and Deckard looked at their sister mouths hanging wide open, Hattie blushed and started stuttering before giving in.

"Yeah." Owen started reprimanding his sister about (pick a name)s reputation and what their mother would think, (y/n)s giggling was cut short though by Miss Magdalene calling her downstairs. Sadly she went down the stairs followed by three sulking faces, they all knew why she was called, it was time to go.

"(y/n) dear, your mother called, she said you needed to come home to get ready for dinner." Nodding she told her friends bye and headed for the door,

"I'll walk you home." Deckards voice spoke up as he appeared in front of you to get the door, (y/n) cheered up slightly and walked through the door, waiting at the bottom of the stairs for Deckard. He quickly arrived at her side then walked beside her at her pace, it was about a half a mile between their houses.

Their walk was silent and a bit tense, hands kept brushing each other's but no one had made the first move. Until Deckard took a leap of courage, slowly he reached for her hand he made it about half way before (y/n) moved her hand and laced their fingers together,

 Until Deckard took a leap of courage, slowly he reached for her hand he made it about half way before (y/n) moved her hand and laced their fingers together,

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Both young teens were smiling and blushing madly, but both were glad he had made the move. Reaching (y/n)s door step, Deckard turned to face her.

"(Y/n)?" She looked up at him with a sweet smile,

"Yeah?" Deckard took a deep breathe and scratched the back of his neck,

"W-will you be my Valentine?" He smiled when she nodded excitedly and wrapped her arms around him to hug his torso.


❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️(*Author hands you a meaningful gift that will brighten your day* Happy Valentines Day (Y/N)!!!)❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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