Hello, don't hate me :)

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Yeah, yeah, another author's note. Sorry loves, but this one is warranted I think.

Here's the thing: when I started this I was in 8th grade. Now I'm a grown-ass adult. Like graduated, working two jobs, buying a car, kind of adult. Super fun times. Needless to say, my writing style as well as general state of mind are much different than in the beginning of this venture.

First, I wanna thank everyone who read this and for the insane amount of reads. Second, I'm going to break some hearts when I say that I think this is it for this story from me. It was a lot of fun and the feedback has been incredible but I can't (as a grown-ass adult) pick up where my freshman self left off.

However, I do still love the idea of this story and have been toying with the idea of re-writing it. That being said, it won't be the exact same thing. I was thinking of creating a couple of OCs to follow along with as well as Harry. It would still be the theme of James coming back (because let's face it, that's why we're all here), but it would pretty much be from scratch beyond that.

So anyway, I'm going to leave this here and see what sort of response I get.

And once more, thanks my dudes. My 8th grade self would have a heart attack if she saw what this had turned into after only 8 chapters and an infuriating number of author's notes. 💛

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2020 ⏰

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