squid meets evil kermit

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shortly after squid mutated into a blob of pain and despair that is life, he immediately popped back into the smexy boi that he is. then, he magically flew above the hole and into the orange/red sky thing or whatever it is, that mainly symbolized that everyone's finna fucking die. 

he extended his elongated arms and grabbed richie and jakekekekekke and continued to fly, and then proceeded to fucking drop jakekekekeke into someone's pool. in which he died.

and then richie morphed into this clay mache thing or whatever the fuck you wanna call it.

"hello, i am kermit." 'kermit', formerly known as richie, said.

"but youre blacc?? kermit is grenz, not blacc" squid replied.

"you uncultured, racist, mean, cumpoptart, swine!!!!! i am g r e e n. but just covered in blacc you mothertrucker donut!!!!!!!! i have f a s h i o n." kermit insulted, growing his own wings.

"no u" squid said.

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