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It's scary. Love is scary, getting close to someone. It's scary. The feeling of wanting them close to you at all times but not wanting them to feel repulsed by you. You want them to stay with you but your scared they'll get hurt. It's scary.

(Y/N) thought about this. She thought about why it was so scary.

Its because you want to protect them right? You dont want they're life to go downhill because of you, but you've grown so attached to them. How do you let go?

Its difficult. Finding your own place in the world. You could do so much, learn, grow, explore, but it will always be in some way both good and bad. However, they differ in the sense something can be good in the immediate, but turn bad later on. So, how do you apply this to love? Getting close to someone can feel good in the immediate, so wouldn't that mean that later on you'll find it wasnt so good a choice as it was back then?

(Y/n) jumpy across a small stream, and started up a tree.

It's strange, and it's scary.

(Y/N) stopped, sitting on the lowest branch as she looked around.

Love is scary.

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