The PA felt wronged since he was very close to the Wang family before. Xiao Zhan wanted to smack himself. Right, that was before. Things obviously changed. But should Yibo be telling his mom that he and Yibo met at the company?

Xiao Zhan frowned slightly and finally the elevator doors opened. Wang Yibo first stepped out of the elevator and didn't say a word as he made his way to his own office. Xiao Zhan sighed as they went separate ways without saying anything.

He opens his office door and puts the clipboard at his personal desk. "Guess he's a playboy," Xiao Zhan hissed for a bit as he clenched his right fist. "Aiya, I feel like a huge idiot."

He takes out his phone and sat down on his cushioned chair. On the first call, Yu Bin immediately answered. "Hello, Zhan?"

"Hey, Bin. Sorry for disturbing you. I was..." he trailed off as he ran a hand through his hair. "Being in love sucks." There was a chuckle from the other line. "Something happened again?"

"Yeah," he whispered as he twirls on his chair and explained to his friend what actually happened earlier.

"That's rough... Well how about this," Xiao Zhan puts his phone closer to his ear and listened to Yu Bin's words attentively. "What!? I'm not doing that!" He complained as he felt his ears flush.

"Why not? Isn't romantic?"

"I'm an awkward person who doesn't know how to flirt," he huffed as he kept spinning around his chair. "Give it a shot. I promise you, it works everytime."

"How are you so sure about this? You didn't even had a girfriend before," he deadpanned and Yu Bin scoffed, "I watched a lot of dramas."

"Then that only applies to dramas! Isn't this too clichè and unrealistic?"

"You make it happen, then it's realistic."

Xiao Zhan sighed as he massaged his temples. "If this doesn't work, I'm gonna jump at the bridge."

"That won't happen. I assure you buddy."

"Well it better not since I don't know how to swim!"

• • •

Xiao Zhan finished his work early and headed out of his office. He quietly knocks at the CEO's door and waited for his answer. He stood there for a while but it seems like nobody was inside? The PA called out softly but no one answered. He sighs for a bit and opens the door. He sees Wang Yibo who had his head lowered with a hand supporting his head.

"He's asleep?" Xiao Zhan whispered and saw the amount of paperwork on the CEO's desk. He approached him and noticed how these papers were from 3 days ago and they still weren't being processed. What was this guy doing all this time?

Xiao Zhan stood there contemplating if he should wake up Wang Yibo or not. He puts down his bag at the side and went closer to Yibo and shaked him lightly. "Yibo?"

Seems like this guy isn't having any proper sleep lately. Xiao Zhan takes out his pen and peels out a sticky note and wrote something down.

Good evening, I went ahead since I have other business to do. Have some rest for while and if you need help, just call me.


He placed it at the front where he can see it when he wakes up. Xiao Zhan walks over the couch and takes a pillow and slowly moved Yibo to rest his head there. He saw that the CEO actually took off his coat and Xiao Zhan drapes it a t his shoulders.

He looked at the man who was sleeping soundly and felt proud with his job. He gave a satisfied smiled and went out with the door closing with a click.

• • •

It's been a while since he walked at the sidewalk or went by himself. It's because Yibo would always take him home aftet work. He actually felt a bit lonely.

Xiao Zhan walked through stores and reserved and ordered different types of things that had his wallet crying. He felt like an idiot but he actually found relief from shopping just for someone.

I kinda feel stupid from listening to Yu Bin. I just hope this works! Xiao Zhan thought. The said man felt fired up and determined to do the thing his friend told him.

"Wang Yibo, just you wait for me."

Sorry for the typos! Please do point it!

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