"You're kidding," Lia muttered darkly.

"What?" Asked Jord. "Please tell me we're not being robbed as well."

"Nope. Not the cafe at least," she said, as she headed over to the door with the keys. "You're about to meet my boyfriend. Please mentally prepare yourself."

Jordyn watched her, feeling completely confused as she put the key in the lock, and opened the door.

"Okay, what are you two doing here?" Lia demanded.

"See, I told you she worked here," said a voice, the body of which Jordyn could not see.

"Come in, both of you," sighed Lia, stepping aside.

The first male was black haired dark eyed, but Jordyn's eyes widened when she saw who his taller companion was.

"Auba?" She said, in surprise.

Auba looked over, and smiled when he noticed her sitting on the bench.

"I'm not too sure Jordyn, but I feel like you owe me something after yesterday," he said, raising an eyebrow at the Australian playfully.

"Yeah, sorry about that," said Jord, feeling embarrassed. She jumped down from the bench, and moved around the counter to join the three of them. "I completely forgot I took the day off."

"Don't worry, your friend told me."

The two of them turned to look at the other newcomer, who had his arm around Lia.

"This is my boyfriend, Jordyn," said Lia. "His name is Alex, but no one ever calls him that."

"Laca is fine," the newcomer smiled at Jordyn. "Lia talks about you quite a bit, it's nice to meet you in person."

"Good to meet you too," Jordyn returned his smile, a little shyly as she always was with new people.

"Laca plays football with Auba, Jord," said Lia.

"Oh, okay," Jord said, a little surprised. And then she understood. "Oh. This was the great important thing you had to tell me, right? And then your big and famous footballer boyfriend showed up and ruined it all. Perfect timing."

"To be fair, we haven't been dating for THAT long," Lia defended herself, but Jordyn was smiling cheekily at her, which made her feel a little relieved.

"Okay, play it off then," Laca teased her, and the rest of them laughed, which seemed to ease the tension. Jord didn't seem too upset that the English girl had kept something so big from her, but Lia decided she would clarify later. For now...

"As lovely as it is to have you two breaking down our door, we do need to finish opening up the cafe, so if you have something to say..."

"Oh you continue to set up then," said Auba. "I just wanted to see Jordyn again."

The blonde Australian blushed a little, and met his eyes with a shy smile.

"You don't give up, do you?"

"Did you want me to?" He asked playfully.

"I guess not," she smiled. "Okay, you can stay. But I have to unpack the dishwasher, so..."

"Say no more," said Auba, following her around the counter, and perching on top right where Jordyn had sat earlier.

"Hey, none of that," Lia glared at him. "It's bad enough that Jord sits up there!"

"Shut it, Lia, you owe me one, remember?" Jordyn laughed. "He can sit on the bench if he wants to, he's not hurting it."

Lia sighed, and taking up her washcloth again, she grabbed Laca with her other hand, and pulled him with her out of the kitchen. Auba and Jord watched them go, and then turned to look at each other.

Lose Yourselfजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें