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    "Will you stop your damn yelling!?"
   Voices? Why are there voices?
You woke up groaning.
Why does my head hurt so much?
You went to touch your head only to find out you are tied down.

"Oi boss she's waking up." You looked around only to see blackness do to a blindfold. It was yanked off of you.
   "Hello y/n, welcome to the League of Villains." Your eyes widen.
"Bakugou?" You looked around trying to find him. The man in front of you lightly laughed as the one they called the boss walked in.
Your eyes widen when you recognize the light haired and pale person.

   "Remember me?"

He had you dragged out into the main room. To be thrown in front of Bakugou. Your hands still tied. You shook your head.
  "Bakugou!" You went to get up only to be shoved back down.

  "Oi asshat careful with her!" He growled glaring at the people.

   "Join us Bakugou, with a personality like yours and a quick as well, you be a amazing villain."
"Shut up!" You yelled out.
"Bakugou has his heart and soul on becoming the #1 hero and he isn't gonna let some low life losers ruin that for him!" You glared at the boss. He begun to scratch himself.
   "Korogiri, let me kill the little shit now." You were scared, but kept his ground.
  "Tomura you know we can't do that." Korogiri spoke.

"Ugh, you damn heros..." he then had a man skin  that looked burnt grab your hair pulling you up.


  "Join us Bakugou or I'll decay her. It really be a shame. You seem to care for her. I honestly find that a waste of time." Tomoura spoke aggressively. The person who had a hold of you looked bored.

    "Fine I'll join you freaks! Just let her go. Please.." You looked at him with disappoinying eyes. They eventually released him.
While no one was watching Bakugou nodded at you. You knew what he meant.
You took a deep breath. You turned and kicked the guy in the knee. He let you go. You went over to Bakugou letting him untie you immediately.

   "Damn kid you are such a pain. All you have to do is listen." One spoke. Bakugou shoved you behind him. You can see the fear in his eyes. He may act tough. Yet, he is really terrified of what could happened.

"If you want me to listen then get on your knees and beg!" He yelled.

   Knock Knock
Pizza delivery

The wall was punched down and once the smoke cleared out. You teared up and smile.

   "Fear not for we are here!" All Might yelled standing by other amazing pro heros.

"You kids are safe now." All Might placed his hands on Bakugou's shoulders. To give him reassurances that he is there. 

You looked to see all the villains unable to move do to them being bound by tree. Then gray portals one after another started to appear. One even started to get ahold of Bakugou.

   "No Bakugou!" You screamed, All Might tried to grab him, but it was to late. Nomus walked out of the portals.
You grabbed a broken piece of wood quickly to defend yourself.

A gray circle started to surround you. You went to reach out for All Might before disappearing. You screamed being taken away. Next thing you knew you were next to Bakugou in an open field with everyone in it.

   "Bakugou! What is happening?"

"How the hell am I suppose to know!" He used his quirk to push some villains back.

"Dammit Dammit Dammit!" You watched as everyone fought protecting each other and fighting. It was at this moment you wish you could help in some way.
Bakugou can't use his quirk all the way because of everyone around him. He is afraid he might hurt me.
  "Bakugou how can I help?" You yelled to him.
"Just stay close you idiot. I can't let you get lost or hurt....I can't lose you." He said the last part quietly.

   All Might was busy fight All for One.
    "He looks worn out." You told yourself noticing All Mights movements.

    "You are coming with me!"
Why is there ice all of the sudden?
Bakugou's eyes widen. He place you on his back.
"DIE!" His explosions were big and loud. He flew in the air making another small explosion reaching for Kirishima's hand.

"YOU IDIOTS!!" He yelled with a smile.

Okay so obviously I can't write fighting scenes to well and this could have been better probably.  But oh well.

"A Wrong Number" Bakugou x Reader FanficWhere stories live. Discover now