chapter 1

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It was summer and the hot air in Jackson Heights seemed nice today, Norah couldn't be happier today was the day she was gonna fulfill her dreams. All her life she always dreamt of this day where she would pack her bags and go pursue her lifelong dreams.

She wore the pink gown, it covered her body and protected her from the evil lustful eyes of sin, her mother was proud of her but her sister had called her foolish. She had lived eighteen years of her life in Catholic school and had refused to attend the high school her sister attended, she wanted to be holy and keep her honor as her name implies to her bridegroom, which was Jesus.
How she admired the sisters at the school that taught and finally she was going to join in as one of them.

"Good morning Mother, " Adele her sister greeted their mother and sat opposite her on the table. Adele was her older sister she was three years older and the first child of their mother. She had brown eyes tanned skin and plum-punk lips. She was beautiful and wore her hair in a bouncy curl though they did stop at her shoulder she looked like a model.
Something Norah hated and despised so much, to her she was a child of the devil and worshipped his works she looked like a hideous harlot who snared the heart and lust men.

"Norah are those toast not too holy for you " her sister mocked she and Adele were not the best of friends but she did always love her as that was the only thing she owed her as the Bible stated.

"Mother can I have some milk please," she asked her mother

"You know you aren't as holy as you claim to be am sure you do mess around with that chaperon Louis" She scowled at her sister for uttering such nonsense but remained calm and looked back at her plate

"Adele will keep shut and cleanse that foul mouth of yours ...." their mother yelled but Nora knew that wouldn't be enough to make her sister holy as her sister was one to never go down without a fight.

"You know she always acts like she's better than us when she's not " throwing the napkin her sister left on the table.

She sighed and looked at her mother who was worried about her sister's behavior. It was hard, especially for a woman who was a strong Catholic. She admired her mother a lot though her sister had turned out to be unrepentant, their mother had done a good job in raising them.

"Mother I have to leave now, " she hugged her and rolled out her suitcase, in three months she would be ordained a nun in the church in front of everyone she knew and didn't know.

"God be with you child ...." Those were her mother's words right from when she was little till this very day and she believed them like her life depended on them.

She hailed the taxi, placed her bags in them waved her mother goodbye, and left. She was gonna be a nun and her dream was gonna be fulfilled. The cab driver looked at her from the mirror and she wondered what could be going through his mind, as much as she wondered she didn't wanna know as she knew it was unholy thoughts...

She arrive at the cathedral and went in, she was happy as she saw sister Catherine, she was older than Nora and had been in the convent since she was twenty, she was now twenty years older and still loved God and stayed faithful in her vows. Catherine loved Nora as she was the only one who wasn't in the orphanage and still chosen to be a Nun. She admired the girl's love and commitment to God.

"Nora ....You're here early " She was quite the early bird, she smiled at Catherine

"I wanted to be here early ...So I could do my prayers with the mother " She loved Mother Lori she was good at heart and strict with her words and actions. North loved her and respected the woman's love for God. She loved praying with the woman, she was her role model. The mother had called her, her grandchild after Catherine.

"If so then you're in luck child ....Because she is still in her room, so you better hurry," Catherine told her and she scurried away taking her bags along.

She knocked on the room door Mother Lori, and she was so thrilled when she heard her come in, opening the door, she went into the room, Mother Lori was seated on her chair and she walked up to her and bowed slightly to show her respects.

"Nora child it's you ..."

" Yes, Mother...I wanted to request if I could join you in your prayers. " She asked politely which impressed Mother, she never did allow anyone to join in her prayers except Catherine but today she was going to be different.

"Of course child, you can "

Nora smiled and closed the door and covered her hair, it was tradition never to leave your hair before the prayers it was a lack of respect for God.

She sighed and closed the doors to her room, after the prayers with Mother she had joined in preparing the rooms in the orphanage for the little kids and now all the work was beginning to tell on her body. She took out some clothes and took a bath, her legs grown a little hair, though no one could notice but she hated the hairs on her body, shaving them off, she took a bath got dressed, and retired to her bed. She was sharing her room with another girl who also like her wanted to nun. The girl was still busy in the kitchen as she was among the kitchen helpers. Nora read her Bible, said her prayers, and retired to bed.

She couldn't be more happy, she was close to dreams, and in a few months they did come to pass, or so she thought ...Because little did she know her life was about to take a whole new turn.

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