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beautiful day for the hunters and...  Unpleasant day for the Survivors...

1 hunter , 4 Survivors fighting for their lives. And those people are Emily (The Doctor), Emma (the Gardener), Naib (Mercenary) and Aesop (The Embalmer). And one Hunter Joseph (The Photographer).

Aesop POV:

As we all were decoding, one of us were captured and it was Emma. I signaled the others 'Don't move, I'm coming' I ran as fast as I could, and while running I saw Naib and I noticed we were surrounded by Cameras. Naib said "Dang it.. it's the photographer" and I asked "P..photographer? W..who's that?" Aesop Thought (S..sorry Naib.. I know him but.. I..I need to lie...) . Naib answered "You don't know him? He's a Hunter obviously-- and I heard he's the shortest of the hunters- but he's actually strong... he's called the photographer because he takes pictures and as you can see we are surrounded by these cameras" Aesop replied "O..oh.. I..I see now.." As we kept running. We stopped and saw Emma being tied up on the chair and next to that is.... Joseph...

Naib: *whispers* Aesop.. hey!! DUDE!!

Aesop: H..Huh?! S..Sorry.. W..what were you s..saying??

Naib: *Sign* Okay.. You will distract the Photographer.. while I save Emma.. got it??

Aesop: G..Got it!

Joseph's POV:

As I was roaming around... I saw a girl dismantle a chair But sad to say I can't allow that... So I used my sword to make her fall down on her knees. As I attacked her she couldn't handle the pain and fell down on her knees.. now it's my chance to tie her up on a balloon and place her on the chair. As I putted her there.. I waited for her to fly away... now it's already half of the bar... I kept waiting... I used my Trait (Listen) but it seems these Survivors are sharp and intelligent... Out of nowhere 2 Survivors popped out and One tried to save the Girl and One... is... AESOP?!

Naib: NOW... GO!

Aesop: R...RIGHT..!!!

Joseph: What The--

A/N: Naib successfully saved Emma and let her run. BUT Aesop and Joseph were just... standing still?

Aesop: .....

Joseph: Tsk..

Naib: Aesop!!! DON'T JUST STAND THERE!!! LET'S GO!!!--

A/N: Joseph swings his sword and hits Naib.

Naib: Argh!

Aesop: NAIB!!!

A/N: Once again he swings his sword and this time he hits Aesop


Aesop: Argh.. (It hurts....)

Joseph: *Glares*

Aesop: *Gasps*  J..Joseph..w..why..? D..did you-

Naib: DUDE LET'S GO!! *grabs Aesop while running*

Aesop: N..No!! L... LET ME GO!! *struggling*

Naib: Dude-- why are you struggling.. We're allies--

Aesop: B...but..

Naib: NO BUTS!!! WE ONLY HAVE 3 CIPHERS TO GO! And we're safe to go! But first we need to heal each other....

Aesop: R..Right..

A/N: As their heart beat slowed down. They hid and Naib healed Aesop,and Aesop healed Naib.

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