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(Caution: Maybe shitty)

Minato and Kushina were very excited, why you ask? Simple, Kushina was pregnant and they were going to be parents. They found out that it was going to be a boy.

Kushina "When the baby comes, what shall we name him?"

Minato "What about YN?"

Kushina "Thats a great name for our child."

Many months of being pregnant and Kushina gave birth to a beautiful baby boy, they named him YN and they gave him Minatos last name and the two were so excited about their first child since they have been wanting to have one for a while. When YN was six months old, he ended up learning how to walk and spoke his first two words.

YN "Mama."

Kushina "Minato, come here!"

Minato "Is everything okay?"

Kushina "Something great just happened."

YN "Mama."

Minato "Did he just say mama?"

Kushina "Yeah, he did."

Minato "Can you say Dada YN?"

YN looked at his dad and smiled.

YN "Dada."

Minato picked YN up and hugged him, Kushina joined in and both were holding YN as they were happy for him saying his first words. At the age of 3, Minato was training YN. He had YN practicing with Taijutsu, YN still had a long way to go, but he was only three years old, so it wasn't really a big deal for him to be a master at that moment. It's not saying that he didn't do good, because he did rather well for a 3 year old.

When YN hit the age of 4 he got a lot better at fighting and trained by himself a bit. His dad became the fourth Hokage of the hidden leaf and he always found time for his family, considering that Kushina was pregnant again and YN was happy that he was going to be a big brother.

YN "Dad look at this."

Minato "Oh what is it YN?"

YN shows him some training that he did and what Minato saw shocked him. YN went at his dummy and appeared behind it, hitting the dummy and then appeared in front of the dummy and kicked it's head off, even though the dummy's head was about to fall off anyway. Minato was happy.

Minato "I'm proud of you son, not many people can do what you just did at your age."

Kushina "What happened?"

Minato "YN just used the Flying Raijin Technique."

Kushina "Oh really? That's gr- huh?!?"

Minato "YN used the Flying Raijin technique."

Kushina "M-my baby is trying to grow up way too fast."

YN "Mommy is everything alright?"

Kushina "Yeah, everything's fine."

The day of Naruto's birth.

YN was with his mother when she gave birth to Naruto, he went with Minato when everything was done the two were heading back to Kushina and Naruto when Minato noticed that everyone was dead except for Kushina.

Minato "Kushina!"

Kushina "Minato!"

??? "So you finally decided to show up."

He turns to see a man wearing a mask. That wasn't all, he also had Baby Naruto in his arms.

Minato "Please don't hurt him."

Masked man "Step away from the Jinchuriki."

Minato's mind "Who is he?"

Kushina was in a lot of pain and had black marks going all over her body. The masked man still held Naruto in his arms as YN watched his every move.

Masked man "Don't you care about your child?"

Minato "Wait, just please calm down."

Masked man "I am as calm as can be."

He then threw Naruto up into the air and went to kill him, when Minato used the Flying Raijin technique to get to Naruto quickly. As Minato thought that Naruto was safe, he then heard a sizzle noise and threw Narutos blanket off of him.

Kushina "Minato! Naruto!"

He then teleported away, but when he threw the blanket away, YN got caught in the blast and was sent flying back into the wall knocking him out. When YN woke up, he was tied to a tree and the masked man was looking directly at him.

Masked man "Well it seems that you have woken up, look at the destruction. This is all because of your mother and father. This all could've been avoided if they would've listened, too bad you all will not live to see the destruction of your precious village."

YN "Mommy, Daddy."

Masked man "That's right, call for your mommy and daddy, they won't be here to save you. You know what, you're going to be my example."

He went to grab YN, when Minato stopped him.

Minato "You will not lay a finger on my son."

Masked man "Well fourth Hokage, bring it on."

They fought and everytime, Minato would try to attack him, his attacks were going straight through, the masked man, until, Minato threw his kunai at him and when it went through, he got the best of him and rammed a rasengan through the masked mans back, when the man wasn't expecting it.

Minato then took the Nine tails away from the masked man and kicked him back and got to YN cutting the rope and teleporting somewhere to safety for YN and then when he knew that YN was safe, he went back and got Kushina and Naruto and brought them to that place.

Kushina "YN, are you okay sweetie? Are you hurt?"

YN "No I'm fine."

Kushina "Ok good."

Minato grabbed YN and laid him on the ground and pushed YN's forehead and YN for some reason passed out. When YN woke up he was somewhere else, he was in a hospital bed.

YN "Where am I?"

??? "You're in the hospital."

He turns around and sees the third Hokage. Who has a grim look on his face. He explained everything to YN about what happened and YN started crying. The Third Hokage looked at YN and did what he could to calm him down. About 15 to 30 minutes go by and YN stops crying, but is still sniffling. Then he stops altogether and looks at the Hokage.

YN "Is my brother okay?"

Third Hokage "Yeah, would you like to go see him?"

YN "Yes please."

The went where all of the babies are at and the nurse picked Naruto up and brought him to YN. YN sat down and held Naruto in his arms, Naruto was crying, as soon as YN calmed his breathing down and did something that his dad did and traced his finger down his face and gave him a poke on the nose and that stopped Naruto from crying and had him looking at YN in confusion, then YN smiled and Naruto did the same thing, YN then said to himself.

YN "I will make sure that the same thing doesn't happen to you Naruto. I will protect you no matter the cost."

Thus begins the story for a boy who took over the mantle as the Yellow flash of the Hidden Leaf.

End of prologue. 

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