A Letter From the Author

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Hello, readers,

I know I have had a bad habit of updating my previous stories consistently and, for that, I apologize. I'm so sorry for my inconsistency. It's not fair to you and I hope you can forgive me. With school and life changes, life has been stressful and I've been unable to write as much as I would like to.

I hope to change that with this story. I truly love writing and I've put it on the backburner. I regret that. Writing is my form of self-care and, by neglecting my writing, I've been neglecting myself. This year is about to be a stressful one for me and I want to get back to writing as my stress-reliever to keep me sane. My goal is to, hopefully, update this story once a week. I can't promise I'll stick to this, but in the name of self-care and keeping me in my right mind, I will try my damnedest to. If not once a week, then at least more consistently. A couple of updates a month, rather than my previous record of a couple of updates a year.

I'd like to share a few words about this story and why I'm writing it. Over this break, I've had time to actually explore and read multiple stories on here. While the stories were really good, most of them had sad endings, where the couple didn't work out or something along those lines. For the sake of transparency, I'll reveal something about myself: I'm a sap for love. I love happy endings. I love when the couples end up together. I'm the type to shed tears while reading a story, despite my disdain towards crying. More specifically, I loathe when I'm the one crying. I'm not saying unhappy endings are terrible. They eliminate predictability and cliches, and they're vital to the story-telling world. What I'm saying is: I hate it when I cry.

I'm writing Potholes for a few reasons. One reason is to fulfill my need for happy endings. Don't let my Daria avatar fool you. As much as I aspire to be like Daria, I'm a sucker for a happy ending. Another reason I'm writing this story is because I've been fooling around with story ideas for years, but none of them seemed "right" or "good enough" and I didn't see them going anywhere. The idea for Potholes occurred to me this week and I really liked it. It seemed like the right story to get me back into the groove of writing. My third reason is pretty simple. I just wanted to write a simple love story. Not too much drama. No extreme twists and turns. Just a simple love story between two people. Something a little more realistic and current. Unlike my 2 other stories, Potholes will be rated mature. I'm not sure how detailed the "mature content" will be, but just a head's up. I'm going to try and challenge myself with a write with this newfound "mature content."

With all of that being said, I'm hoping to get the first chapter out for Potholes within the next week. I hope that y'all enjoy it as much as my other stories. And, thank you for reading this letter. I just wanted y'all to have a peak inside my head. I owe y'all so much more for your love and patience. Thank you for understanding.



PotholesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora