Part 2 : Locked Up

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I don't owned Narutoo  :X Masashi Kishimoto sama owned it, XOXOXO, okay then here's the second chapter, hope u like it ;)


Naruto's POV

I slowly open my eyes only to met a darkness, I see nothing, only dark. I tried to move only to find I'm tied with a handcuff to the chair I'm sitting. of course I've tried to get out of the handcuff, I've tried using mine and kyuubi's chakra to melted the handcuff off, but it did nothing

'Kit, I think the handcuff is a super special handcuff, it isn't affected by a chakra, even my chakra is hopeless' Kyuubi said, 'Whaaat?!?! how can it be? wow, there's something even you can't do huh?' I said to him

'stupid kit, is that what you should be worrying about? and yeah so what there's something I can't do, I ain't god after all I'm just a beast' Kyuubi said clearly he is pissed

'yeah yeah I know, but what should I do? where the hell is this? and...' I said to Kyuubi and then frown, because I remember what happens before I'm here, my heart hurt, I'm confused, what is my feeling right now, is it anger or sad or what, I don't know

Suddenly a door is opened and I can see an old man walking in, come near me, and said "I see your awake huh, damn fox? I know you must be wondering where you are right now, right?" I only stared at him

Its my first time seeing him, he looks really suspicious, he has a bandaged covering one of his eye and he's using a cane, I think he knew I'm suspicious of him because he said "Right, I'm Danzo, the leader of ROOT" he smirked, as my eyes widen, Tsunade baa-chan really did sent me here

"Heh well, damn fox, its your own fault your here, Tsunade had left you with me, in outside Tsunade's word may be the law, but here my word is the law, ha, you better do as I say, oh and no one will come nor save you here even if something did happen to you" he smirked then chuckled, I know, I just know it, I'm in a deep shit now, scared of what will be of me, I decided to go back to sleep


still Naruto's POV

*gubraak* I was awoke by the sound of the door forcely opened, and I see a man with a dog mask walking toward me, even though he has the mask on, I can feel that he is smirking now, I just knew it

Then he took out a key or something out of his pocket and unlock me, I quickly stand up and took a kunai out from my pocket and turned to attack him but he quickly grab my wrist and turned me around, he took the kunai from my hands and put it in my neck, a little slice in my neck, I can feel blood dripping

"che che che, bad little fox, you know you can't do anything to me, even if you do have the kyuubi in you doesn't mean you're stronger than me, you're weak" he smirked at me, oh now I'm angry, I'm going to show him who I really am

"ha, little fox, lets go, Danzo-sama is waiting for us" he said as he pulled me out of the room roughly, and we quickly go to a big dark room. there I can see Danzo sitting in a chair, smirking at me, there's another 2 masked man standing beside him

"Sir, I have brought Uzumaki Naruto" the dog mask said to him, " yes, I can see it, now you all go out, I want to speak alone with him!" he said, the masked man nodded and vanished from the room

"what do you want, old man?" I said emotionless, I don't see the need to show an emotion, "hmm, I want to offer you an agreement" he smirked, I raised my eyebrow, an agreement? what kind? " what do you mean an agreement?" I said emotionless

"hmm, you're different from what I know aren't you? they say you're loud, annoying brat, but here look at you, a natural emotionless" he smirked wider than before. "so? why is that matter? now tell me, what do you mean by the agreement?" I said still emotionless

"well, I'll go to the point, work for me fox, I'll let you go outside, of course without Tsunade know, you don't have to be cooped in here, and you can go search for sasuke, but you have to do as I say" he smirked, I feel like I can threw up any moment, ha, 'does he think I'm too stupid to accept his offer? hmm, what will happen if I refused him?'

"what will you do if I refuse?" I asked, he smirked evilly "I will locked you in the interogation room, tell my men to beat the crap of you until you fall to the darkness" he said, I tensed 'what the?! fuck you Danzo'

"what will you do if I work for you?" I asked, "I will give you a mission to spy the hokage and the other elder, and search their weakness" he said evilly, my eyes widen, there's no way I'll betray baa-chan and the other, I grith my teeth, "you scum, are you telling me to betray baa-chan?! ha, no way! I'll never betray her!!!" I said using Kyuubi's voice, my eyes are red, I can feel him tensed, I smirked

"Danzo, I don't know what you're planning, I don't accept your offer" I said, "do you really sure to refuse my offer? you will regret it" he frowned. "yeah" I said confidently. he then called his men and told them to locked me up in the room, and beat me up

I think I will be alright, I think I can do this, unknowing that in these six months will changed my life

~~~~~six months later~~~~

still Naruto's POV

"Wake up damn fox!" I awoke, hearing the monkey masked man yelled at me, punching me in the stomach, I groan, realizing what day today is

"heh, finally today is your day getting out from here, eh? finally we will be free from seeing your disgusting face" he said, it doesn't bothered me, I've changed, I don't care about anyone else anymore, I've grown up, now I understand what pain really is

"yeah" I said not even a little bit enthusias, I stand up and walking out the room, following the masked man. we eventually reached the front door. I can see Sakura, Hinata, Kiba, Sai and few others, I groaned and rolled my eyes

"N-Naruto k-kun, i-its been six m-months, h-how is it f-feels? a-are y-you scared? a-are you h-happy t-to g-going out n-now?" hinata said stutteringike she always do, her hair has grew, not that long though. me too, my hair a few inches longer, my bangs reached my eyes now

"not really hinata, well, its been a long time since I'm out though" I said, unlike my old selves, of course I receives a stare from the others. "Naruto, what's wrong man, its so unlike you" Kiba said, worried is shown in his face

"not really, well, I'm going now, I want to clean my self, if baa-chan want to talk with me, tell her I'll go after I cleaned myself, bye" I said emotionless, then I leave for my room apartment leaving my 'former' friends in shocked


Seka: Gehehh, how is it?

Hinata : why did you make naruto kun like that haaahh?!?! Konoyarooo, (the real Hinata)

Sakura : so what happens to Naruto?

Seka : I don't know too, hehe :X

Hina&Saku : DIEEEEE!!!!

Seka : by the way, dont forget to vote and comment okay? *runs away*

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2014 ⏰

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