Chapter 2

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Ana couldn't decide what seemed stranger to her: the fact that she and the kids were nearly killed by a shape shifting spider clown demon, or the fact that her sister and brother-in-law didn't seem to care.

She didn't dare think that they would believe her, of course. Who would think there could possibly some of monster in the woods outside the carnival, in quiet little Derry, that would be attempting to lure children and do who knows what with them? She'd probably get locked up in a mental institution.

But her insistence that someone, possibly a man dressed up in a clown, had been talking to a child out in the woods, and then that she and Heather and Ronnie were attacked at their car, was met with complete indifference.

"You're overreacting, Ana," Cassandra with an irritated wave of her hand. "You probably just saw one of the circus clowns and got creeped out. You never really cared for clowns."

"Cass, this wasn't just someone in a costume, he was going to take that kid - "

"He was not," she replied with a roll of her eyes, "Now stop talking about it before you scare the kids even more."

Ana's brother-in-law, Derek, had just helped the kids take off their jackets and was ushering them upstairs to get ready for bed. He reinforced his wife's statement by throwing a glare at Ana, silently telling her to be quiet.

Ana waited til the kids were upstairs before whispering, "Cass, what about the missing girl? Obviously there's something going on."

Cassandra took a sip of wine from the glass she was holding. "It's not our concern."

Dumbfounded silence followed for a few moments before Ana could find her voice again. "What? How is this not our concern?"

Cassandra sighed. "Look, if you're so concerned maybe you should just go to the police station and tell them what's going on."

"Fine. I will. on the look out, okay?" Ana said, heading towards the door to leave again.

"Yeah, sure," her sister replied, taking another sip of wine. "Ana, just do me a favor. Next time you don't feel like watching the kids all night, just say it? Stop making up crap excuses to come home early."

"Cass!" Ana started, her voice going up a few octaves. "You think I'm making this shit up? I'm literally going to the police station right now!"

Her sister took another sip of wine as she headed up the stairs. Ana left after staring after her in disbelief.

Her conversation with the police had the same result. The officer she spoke with made sure she was patronized, reassured that nothing like this would ever happen in Derry, and Oh, by the way, the missing girl she kept mentioning? Maybe she ran way. It's not really anyone else's business but the family's, so stop bringing it up. Mentioning it will only going to upset people, and we don't want to unnecessarily scare the town's children.

By the time she got back to the house, she was half convinced she was going insane. It was late by the time she got changed into her pajamas and got ready for bed, but she couldn't help but peak in on the kids before she turned in for the night. Ronnie was asleep, so she left him alone. She found Heather still awake.

"Hey," Ana whispered as she walked towards the little girl's bed. The room was vibrant pink, with white lace and unicorn decorations everywhere, a kid's dream of a room in the daylight. Here in the darkness, it made no difference. The room seemed menacing, too still, like something was lying in wait to pounce. Heather seemed so small in that bed, like a vulnerable little bird with no defenses.

"Hi, Auntie," the little girl said, sniffling.

"Are you okay?"

Heather nodded. "Mommy and Daddy said the clown isn't real. So I'm not scared anymore." It was like she was trying to convince herself along with Ana. "And I was sleeping in the car. The spider was a dream."

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